Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Always allow both constructive and non-constructive criticism to push you to a place of Personal Progress! Put your doubters to Rest!

Remember Philippians 4:13 (NIV) "I can do all this through him who gives me strength"

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


1. My Weekend was busy and went by quite quickly.

2. I spend the majority of my morning running around with my wife, it was great hanging out with her.

3. I actually planned to do a lot more on Saturday than I actually did, but the spirit of procrastination came and... welll you know the rest (it didn't get done).

4. I think my next Bible study Series is going to be on "The Spirit of Procrastination", man I know I really need to hear from God (-:

5. I preached twice on Sunday which my voice is not used to, so in turn lost my voice, in fact I'm hoarse while I'm writing this Blog, ya'll pray for me.

6. Well, the kickoff of our 'DO SOMETHING' sermon series was a life-changing success. I had Many who were in attendance including some of our visitors expressed their thankfulness to God for the Word they recieved concerning God's Plan for them to Serve and "DO'" something great for the Kingdom of God.

7. Be sure to come out this coming Sunday for the second message from our 'DO SOMETHING' series, it'll be a enriching experience. Invite as many people as you can.

8. Please don't forget our 'DO SOMETHING' Community Evangelism Outreach on April 16, 2011 from 12-2p.m. we need as many Volunteers as possible to come out and help us reach our Neighborhood for Christ.

9. Our Outreach Team will have the necessary materials and resources available for us to successfully connect with those in our Community. This is an exciting time in the Life of our Church as we do several outreaches per year. Don't miss this opportunity to make a difference!

10. Don't forget our Mid-Week Connectons Bible Study tonight at 7:45 p.m. Our Communications Ministry has already send out the call-in information via e-mail and it can also be found on the CCFC Facebook page. Hope to hear you on the line tonight.

11. Please start inviting everyone you can now for this Year's Easter Worship Experience at CCFC, I believe God is up to something Great and will meet us right where we are on Easter Sunday. Come and Celebrate with us.

12. Final thought, "You don't start living until you start living for the ONE who died for You"