Friday, March 2, 2012


Religious jargon, trying to sound overly charismatic and religiously deep doesn't qualify a person as a representative of Christ. I've heard people time and time again use overly charismatic and deep religious jargon to try to make themselves appear spiritually above the "rest". My influence and effectiveness as a Christ-follower has nothing to do with how Religious I sound, but how Faithful I am in my walk with Jesus and my conviction to hold to His truths and boldly share and declare Him with the Spiritually Lost, which is one indication that I've been with Him!

We find this very thing taking place over in the Book of Acts Chapter 4 and verse #13. Peter and John through their Bold preaching and teaching "shocks" those who are under the sound of their voice. Here's why...

Acts 4:13 (NIV) "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus"

They didn't meet the World's qualifications, but they met God's. God didn't call them because of their ignorance, but He called them "in spite of" their ignorance. They weren't the most educated, they weren't the most eloquent in speech but it was their Bold Witness and Honest conviction of God's Truth that caused them to stand out and have a great influence and impact on those around them. 

So you don't have sound religious and try to be overly charismatic to prove to people that you're child of God, when you've been under the greatest personal training ever, the guidance and direction of Jesus Christ, your life will speak for itself and it will become an obvious sign to those around you that you've been with Jesus!


Pastor V.


Anonymous said...

Amen...Amen. Those of us who are "educated" by the world's standards AND who are believers must never lose sight of this truth!

James said...

AMEN, Anonymous!