Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Romans 12:15b. admonishes believers to "...Mourn with those that Mourn", as a way of taking on and sharing in  the hurt of our Brothers and Sister in Christ. This is a critical time for us as believers to show forth this kind of compassion as we continue to pray for our brothers and sisters at the Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, SC. The families of those Victims that were gunned down by a lone 21 year old gunman following a Wednesday Night Bible Study will forever be affected by the murderous Act carried out by a young man who is lost, misguided, racist but most of all Unsaved! Although many of them have offered their forgiveness, they will no doubt continue to painfully try to get through life with this senseless act being a haunting memory. My heart aches for them and for the Emanuel Church, that is now without a Senior Pastor. I am trusting God that he will continue to bring healing and comfort to the families and to the community where this heinous crime took place. Charleston you are in our Thoughts and Prayers!

- PV

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