Thursday, August 9, 2012


When I was in my late teens to early twenties, I used to go to an local Urban Musical Event called the "GO-GO" (to learn more about GO-GO, go here I was a die-hard fan of the Go-Go Band "RARE ESSENCE". When I went to the Go-Go there was a popular phrase during the call-and-response portion of the Band's performance when they used to say "Turn on the spotlight ya'll so we can put (insert a name or neighborhood here) on Display". 

We used to go crazy when the spotlight came on trying to get the attention of the person talking/rapping on the mic just to have our name/neighborhood called. The purpose of the spotlight was so that the person talking/rapping could see us in order to know who to call out and put on display on the mic to the rest of the crowd and if your name/neighborhood got called it made you feel real good and you would be talking about it for days to come, not to mention we would go out and purchase the cassette tape (yes I said cassette tape, LOL!) of the actual show, so that we could hear them call our name/neighborhood all over again.

Well as I sit and think about those times I spent with my friends at the GO-GO trying to be noticed in the spotlight of the GO-GO among other go-go dwellers, it dawned on me that it's the same way in the Kingdom of God where we are called as Followers of Christ to be noticed spiritually in front of a spiritually dying world through the Light (spotlight) of Jesus Christ! There's a passage of scripture over in Matthew 5:14 (NLT) it says, “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden"

As Christians we're called to become shining lights as a result of our relationship with Jesus Christ to a dark and dying world. We should never hide our "lights" but should always be hungry and eager to be put on the light of Christ display in front of those who don't yet know Him. So keep shining don't allow the weight and pressure of the things of this world dim or put your light out, keep allowing Jesus to shine through you. YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD!

- Stay Strong!

Pastor V.

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