Tuesday, March 6, 2012


While that title may sound weird or funny or even stupid the truth is all of are going "through" something and as long as you're going through, eventually you're going to come "to" something. All of us have something that we're dealing with that continuously and consistently put our Patience to the test. Maybe it's a relationship, maybe it's a career decision that's eating away at you, maybe it's parenting your Child or Children or maybe it's a spiritual decision that you're struggling with (e.g. looking for a New Church, praying for an unsaved spouse or family member). Whatever you're struggling with to wait to happen in your life and it seems to be taking some time to manifest or come to fruition, the key is PATIENCE! Patient is the key to you getting and reaching your "TO".

Listen to what Job said, while dealing with Pain, agony, confusion and discomfort on just about every level over in Job 14:14 (NCV), he says, "...All my days are a struggle; I will wait until my change comes". Job in his greatest season of struggle, even as he prepares for the possibility of death, he ministers to us one of the greatest faith statements in God's word as he says that what he's on his  way to, is greater than what he's going through. So his Ultimate glory pushed him to a place of being patient in his struggle. Meaning he didn't take for granted what he knew God had already promised for his life.

Listen, don't let what hasn't happened keep you from seeing what God has already said would happen! Endure your "through" so that you can enjoy your "to". Romans 8:28 (NKJV) shares this with us.... "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose". Hang in there, God is allowing you to go "THROUGH" something, in order to bring you "TO" something. It's part of His Divine Plan!

Pastor V.

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