Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Hey everyone! Wow, it's been a really, really long time since I've Blogged! Well, I'm back and ready to give more thoughts. This week something has been on my mind as it pertains to what it is that God has called me to do and the cultural context in which He has called me to do it. I've discovered (especially as a Pastor/Spiritual Leader) that it is of critical importance that we Choose a method that works for your context! One of the most damaging things that one can do is implement or attempt to carry out something that doesn't fit where and who you are as it relates to your cultural context! I see this happening in the body of Christ, Churches are putting things in place things that really serves as "foreign" objects to where they are culturally. If you put in place something that doesn't fit the "overall" culture of the church's Programs, Vision and Ministries then you are doing more harm than good. In fact it's just down right misleading, espcially when what you do at that time will only have a momentary impact on those we are trying to serve and minister to. I just refuse to take the lives of others that I've been entrusted with and put in front of them a "temporary fix". Everything we do in terms of ministry and service to others should be an extension of how things are done culturallyg and contextually on a regular basis and if it's something new, my ministry to them should be followed by on-going programs and ministries that will help build upon what we started. Ok, that's my thoughts for today. STAY STRONG, - PV