Tuesday, September 30, 2014


This has been the Focus for our Church for the past month as we prepare to Launch several new Life Groups. Life Groups are a new ministry format for our church as we are moving from the more larger traditional ministry format to smaller, intimate Group gatherings, doing ministry and life together. I've been in a Sermon Series all month using this same title "Love God, Love People" to prepare us for this God-ordained shift in our ministry.

I believe that the most effective and genuine ministry carried out is Ministry that's carried out in Love! If we don't Love genuinely, we don't Serve genuinely. Here are a few points from the Sermon series that has brought about Life-Change for many of those who were a part of our Worship Experiences:

From the Message: "The Power of Doing Life Together" Part II

Mark 3:13-15 (NLT)
Luke 6:12-16 (NLT)
Acts 4:13

1. Your assignment can not be independent of an intentional prayer life. 

2. It's through prayer that God gives us wisdom and instruction.

3. When Jesus chose to do life with 12 ordinary Men (His Apostles), He was Intentional in His choice.

4. Jesus was strategic in His choice.

5.  His choice was done with a Purpose.

6.  Jesus chose twelve disciples not by their own ability but by His sovereign will and grace.

7.  Their doing life with Jesus should be evident as a reflection of Him in them.

8.  Before you bring someone alongside you, you need to assess what you see.

These are just a few things we discussed as it pertains to us doing life together in our upcoming Life Groups. I've also attached our Main Idea for this series to this post via a snapshot from our Morning Service. Hope it blesses you! Be Strong! 

- PV

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Hey everyone! Wow, it's been several months since my last Blog! Life for me has become extremely busy, but God through it all has remained consistently Faithful as only He can. Well I just wanted to take a moment and share a few thoughts concerning PRAYER! The Lord has been speaking to me recently on the Subject of Prayer. The Church I have the humble and awesome privilege to Pastor is going through somewhat of a Transitional Season (a Good one of course) and God is bringing about change in the life of our Church. We see different needs arising (both in our Church and Community) and it's time to begin making changes to effectively meet those needs. One of the things we see a need for is to move into more permanent ministry space. Not just to Worship, but to serve in a more impacting and influential way. With that said, the Lord is calling for me to call our Ministry in to a Season of Prayer, although we should "always be Praying and not giving up", according to Luke 18:1. With a pending physical move for our church, it must be accompanied with vibrant and fervent Prayer. Jeremiah 29:12 shares with us, "Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you", this we can hang our hats on. God will hear our prayer. As the Lord's Church, in this season we must continue to submit to His Will for all that He has in store for us. Furthermore, the Lord led me to a book Authored by Pastor Mark Batterson called "The Circle Maker". I can't wait to dive in to it. I plan on sharing the Curriculum with the Leaders of our Church and then our Church-at-Large. I'm excited for our journey, God continues to unveil his purpose for our lives individually and our Church Corporately. Can't wait to see what's Next!