Thursday, March 26, 2015


I meet people all the time that are Socially Challenged. Personally I'm a people person and love people, but I realize I don't fit every circle. There are some circles that just aren't designed to handle what you bring personality wise. I've come across some people that are Very Social on Social Media but shy and isolated in person. They will give a full conversation on Facebook but will say little to nothing face to face with you. This doesn't make them a bad person it just works out like that sometimes as some people are more social behind a computer or phone, but struggle to be that same individual in person, it's just how they're wired. Growing up as a young boy I was very shy and there were certain visible signs that pointed to this and from time to time I run into both Adults and Children who display these signs (this is not an abbreviated list): 

1) They Look down when they talk
2) The talk very low
3) They give you little to no eye contact
4) They lack affection (they don't do well returning hugs)
5) Their answers are short and their conversation is little
6) They rarely initiate a conversation

So as you read this list ask yourself "am I Socially Challenged or Nah"? Like me some will improve in these areas as they grow older.

Until Next time,

- PV