Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Psalm 82:3(NLT) says... “Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute"

Recently there has been a lot of unrest and uprising in Baltimore, Maryland where a young black man was arrested, taken into custody by the Baltimore Police and while in their custody sustained some major injuries which eventually led to his passing. The six officers involved have recently been charged with several criminal acts relating to the incident involving the now deceased Freddie Gray. While we still don't know all of the details surrounding this case as there is much more information that will be given after further investigation and questioning.

My personal thoughts are this, let charges be brought to those who deserve it and justice to those who deserve it. One thing I will say is that the inexcusable behavior of a few law enforcement officers is not a reflection of them all. I in fact recently ran into a Police Officer in the DC Metropolitan area, and had an opportunity to hold a brief yet memorable conversation with him. During our conversation his actions and demeanor toward me was noticeably respectful, I almost felt like he intentionally behaved that way as a way of saying to me, "all of us aren't the same".

While I honestly appreciated his humble effort to come across the way that he did, I still understand and realize that there is still a major problem in our Country between citizens and some members of their local police departments, a problem that has been long-standing and most recently become an open and more noticeable concern within our communities. My prayer is that those who misrepresent and violate the law they're called to uphold would be held accountable for their actions and that those within our communities will unite to bring a tolerable solution to the injustice that's taking place from some of the members of law enforcement. I pray that our anger moves us not to violence but to civil and righteous action, helping to restore and redeem our communities where they become acceptable and proud places we once again can call home. #PRAYFORBALTIMORE!


- PV