Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Moving Forward can sometimes be difficult! Even in my own life I found this to be true. Moving Forward is even more difficult when we allow other people's opinion to be an influence, especially when their opinion opposes our decision to move forward. 

I've discovered that people can hold up the necessary progress that we at times so desperately need to make in our lives, because of their unwillingness to embrace our need to move on and move forward to something fresh, new, innovative and exciting. Stop surrendering to what people "think" you should do and move on what you "know" you need to do. Just KEEP MOVING FORWARD! 

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Most people that know me, know that I’m a die-hard Dallas Cowboys fan, so this Blog is not easy for me to write, Lol! Well, in 2007 which was probably one of their best Seasons it came down to one play in an NFC Conference Playoff game against the Seattle Seahawks, that would determine the next step in the Destiny of the Dallas Cowboys. It came down to a 19-yard winning field goal for the Dallas Cowboys.

However, when the long-snapper snapped the ball to the holder who was Quarterback Tony Romo at the time, something tragic happened, Tony Romo fumbled the snap. The thing that was given to him, the thing that was entrusted to him, the thing that he was supposed to safely take care of until it was successfully kicked through the uprights for a win, he fumbled, he lost, he negligently mishandled, all because his hands could not handle what was given to him.

The Cowboys went from a possible win to a sure defeat all because of the unsure hands of Tony Romo. I said all of that to say that when it comes down to your dreams, when it comes down to your aspirations, when it down your corporate and personal vision, when it comes to your life goals unlike the football in Romo’s hands in 2007, God will not fumble or mishandle what you place in His hands. You and I must understand that success and victory will not come if our dreams, our aspirations and desires remain in our hands, we have to learn to put them in the Hands of the Lord! In fact, if it's in your Heart, it's better off in His Hands! In  Psalm 37:4-5 (NLT) the Bible says... “Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you” 

Listen y'all, trust God with everything that has to do with you and watch Him do what you can't do with what you give to Him. His Hands are sure, reliable and dependable!

- PV

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Romans 12:15b. admonishes believers to "...Mourn with those that Mourn", as a way of taking on and sharing in  the hurt of our Brothers and Sister in Christ. This is a critical time for us as believers to show forth this kind of compassion as we continue to pray for our brothers and sisters at the Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, SC. The families of those Victims that were gunned down by a lone 21 year old gunman following a Wednesday Night Bible Study will forever be affected by the murderous Act carried out by a young man who is lost, misguided, racist but most of all Unsaved! Although many of them have offered their forgiveness, they will no doubt continue to painfully try to get through life with this senseless act being a haunting memory. My heart aches for them and for the Emanuel Church, that is now without a Senior Pastor. I am trusting God that he will continue to bring healing and comfort to the families and to the community where this heinous crime took place. Charleston you are in our Thoughts and Prayers!

- PV