Thursday, February 17, 2011


Last Night during our Mid-week Connections Bible Study we talked about "Anger and Bitterness". Well, this morning when I got up to go to Work I couldn't find my Wallet, this really angered me, I became irate in fact. Then I began to think, this is the very thing I taught on less than 24 hrs. ago. And I failed, I responded both impulsively and irresponsibly, one of the things that Proverbs teaches us not to do. 

Well the Holy Spirit arrested me and I was instantly convicted. Just know that every now and then the very Word that God brings forth in your life, there will be come a time when you absolutely must, you absolutely have to put that Word into action. God never gives us a Word and not allow us to go through something that warrants us to put that Word into Practice.

James 1:22 (New Living Translation) says,  "But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves"

Be Encouraged Somebody!
Pastor V.

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