Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The other day I was listening to a very powerful sermon preached by a great local Pastor. In his message he referenced James 4:3 as he talked about asking God for things wth the wrong motive and intent. The (New Living Translation (NLT) of this passage reads like this, "And even when you ask, you don’t get it because your motives are all wrong—you want only what will give you pleasure".

I begin to ponder those things that I desired and I had brought to God's attention through prayer. One thing in particular is my love and passion for serving and doing Ministry and the desire to serve in the Pastoral Ministry Full time. As I thought about it, I know what I have thought about in terms of what I would be doing if the the Full time Pastorate was a reality for me, but then after hearing this message by this Pastor and further studying the text in my own personal and private time with God, I realized that God sometimes doesn't allow certain things to happen because we may say we'll do one thing, but in His infinite wisdom and Omniscience He knows and sees a part of our intent that we don't see and He keeps us from making a fool of our ourselves.

Well, I am humble enough to realize, acknowledge and understand that my urgency for moving into Full time Ministry will be brought to fruition when God knows I'm ready. That's the difference between us and God, sometimes the things I think or believe I'm ready for, God knows that I'm not, even when you are being faithful in your present situation.

It may be perhaps that in this season, your faithfulness to who, what and where you are right now may be needed just a little while longer. So my prayer is "Lord make my intentions, Your intentions", I don't ever want to overrule God because of the wrong Motives. I'M WAITING ON GOD TO RELEASE ME~


LaDonna said...

I hear you pastor and now I too understand why I have not gotten som of the thing I have been asking for, God will give me what he feels I am ready for and not a min. before that. Thanks, LaDonna

James said...

Amen LaDonna!!