Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Gospel Recording Artist MARY MARY released a song entitled: "It's the God in Me". Well as that title may mean everything in the World to me, I've discovered it doesn't always mean someting to others. As a Child of God and devoted follower of Jesus Christ, it is hard for me to remain comfortable in Ungodly and Carnal Environments, and that's simply because of the God in Me! In fact, this should be the case for all believers.

I've discovered that ungodly people can know Who you are in Christ and still have no reverence or respect for that position and, that simply being because they have no respect or reverence for GOD. As a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it doesn't exempt me from being spiritually and morally disrespected or Unreverenced (I had to make sure that was a word and it is) and thus the bottom line is this...

Don't expect people to reverence or respect you, if they don't respect or reverence the GOD in YOU, but even with that said, don't waiver from Who you are in Christ, hang in there, because here's the bottom line out of  Philippians 2:9-11 (NIV) where it says, "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,  11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father"

-- PV

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

East Coast Earthquake

Yesterday's Earthquake here in the Washington, DC region and all along the East Coast, left many afraid, confused and uncertain. It was a time in history that we'll never forget. Some joked about it, some prayed, some held in-dept conversations about it, while others just sat silently through the day trying to figure out what just happened and why it happened. Well, I believe that it was the Work of the Lord. God's Word shares with us that Earthquakes happening in multiple parts of the world, are just a collection of things that must occur before the return of Christ. For those of us who are believers in Christ Jesus our hope and faith should remain steadfast as we use those times of uncertainty to share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who may be far from God. In other words let your Witness speak and become a Seed of Hope for those who are not familiar with what God's Word has said concerning things that bring them to a place of Uncertainty.

Psalm 130:5 (New King James Version NKJV) says, "I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, And in His word I do hope". No matter what happens in life, let the Promises of God (what God has already said in His Word) give you hope and Peace in the midst of uncertainty. Be Encouraged Somebody!


Friday, August 19, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I saw this post by Doug Fields on his Blog http://www.dougfields.com/ and I had to share it. Check it out below:

5 reasons you’re not encouraged by your leader and/or boss

Most people don’t leave ministries… they leave leaders.
I’m sure there are exceptions to this Dougism, but I personally know it to be very true as a leader and a follower.
I was listening to a friend today talk about his work environment on a church staff and the lack of encouragement he receives. This friend does an incredible job within his job! He’s well skilled, respected and a leader of other leaders. I’ve seen him in action several times and there’s no question he’s good at what he does.
Good at what he does… and starving for encouragement.

Why don’t more leaders/employers encourage the people working for them? I’m sure there are many reasons, but here’s five I was thinking about today.
1. Leaders are insecure
While we often assume those in charge to have a strong sense of self and security, it’s not always the case. Many leaders are deeply insecure and their insecurity has been the fuel that has driven them to acquire the position. They’ve reached high status with a low regard for their own.
2. Insecurity creates self-centeredness
Leaders don’t focus on others and the need for encouragement when they’re focused on themselves. Insecurity is a void that longs to be filled, and the more insecure one is, the more he/she will try to fill that emptiness. It’s tough to think about strengthening your insecurity when you’re thinking of yourself.
3. Leaders assume people already know their strengths, qualities and skills
Some leaders treat others as if the paycheck is all the encouragement that’s needed. If they’ve still got a job, it can be assumed their doing a good job. Getting paid should be encouragement enough.
4. Many leaders don’t realize the power of encouragement
Words hold great power—they can shape or shatter a life. Intentional, thoughtful and caring words are tools by which others grow. It’s not uncommon to run into leaders (even a successful one) who don’t appreciate the life-giving power of words and therefore hold onto compliments as if they were crumbs during a famine.
5. Natural encouragement wasn’t modeled
I’ve had leaders tell me, “I’ve just never seen effective displays of affirmation.” Sad, but true. Many leaders are products of an affirmation-free environment and honestly don’t know the power of encouragement, nor even seen encouragement liberally handed-out.
People are dying to be recognized, encouraged and appreciated.
What kind of leader are you choosing to be? One who looks to be filled, or one who fills the emptiness of others?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Well, some of you may say, why is this Blog titled "NOT A FAN"! Well, it is the title of my Next Sermon series! I am fully convinced that to date, this will be the most Challenging, thought-provoking, life-changing Series that God has ever prompted me to teach and preach from. The Message behind this series is that Jesus is looking for those who will be His Followers, not His Fans! Fans are described as "Enthusiastic Admirers" which means as long as He is doing and giving me what I need Him to I admire Him and am enthusiastic about Him, but the moment I feel like He's letting me down and not coming through for me as I think He should, I lose interest just as I would for my favorite sports team, but a "Follower" is not like that, because a follower goes where Jesus goes, does what He wants and is obedient to what He says, this is a "fully devoted follower of Christ", which our Ministry and I as a Pastor am determined to lead people to become. Begin your assessment NOW, are you a FAN or a FOLLOWER!


As a Pastor, Spiritual Leader, Father and Husband, I am determined to MODEL what I Preach and Teach.

- 1st Corinthians 11:1 (NIV) says, "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ"

This must be Practiced in order to be Perfected! I'm up for the Challenge.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Saw a great quote in reference to Greatness, thought I would share it...
"Great work is done by people who are not afraid to be great"

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Even in Leadership it's Important that you Value the Voice of Others! The Leader doesn't know everything nor can he or she do everything! God places people around you to add significance to what He's already placed in your spirit!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I'm in a season where I'm assessing and evaluating those things and people in my life who are either an asset or a liability. Sometimes you have to take a break from certain associations AND activities in order to get centered and re-focused. I refuse to be trapped in uncertainity so I've learned to give focus and energy to those things that promote progress in my life and bring God uncompromised Glory. Just some thoughts, I hope someone was helped!