Thursday, October 27, 2011


Hey what's up to everybody that's reading this Blog, it's been a minute since I've posted! Things have been quite busy for me over the last month. Today however, I did want to share some thoughts about "NOT LOSING FOCUS". I've disovered that it's easy to get distracted and in fact stay distracted to the point of losing sight and focus of things that really matter in life. God has Gifted His Children with abilities that will directly impact people for the purpose of bringing Him Glory.

Sometimes we can get distracted to the point of no return, where we stop doing  that which is affective and life-changing. Don't lose your focus to get something IMPACTFUL done for God's Glory, everytime God presents you with an opportunity to use your gift to Impact a life and bring Him Glory, don't pass it up, may be He's gifted you to write, may He's gifted you to encourage someone, maybe He's gifted you to do Missions, maybe He's gifted you to work with Children or the Elderly, maybe He's given you a Technical gift, where you can be a blessing via the World-wide web, maybe He's gifted you to bless the poor, the less fortunated and the homeless in some tangible way. Whatever it is you've been gifted to do, make good on it, it's worth the Investment! TODAY make a declaration not to lose Focus!

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