Monday, May 21, 2012


I've discovered that in Leadership, whether in the corporate world or in the Church, there are very few who are transparent. I believe one of the reasons why Leaders lack transparency is because they want those around them to believe they don't have any flaws or failures. They feel that if they expose their own weaknesses then people won't depend on them as much as they would like.

This is called False advertisement and unrealistic expectations. The problem that I have with that is that when and if a leader does fall in any one particular area, those around them and under their leadership fall victim to deep (almost depressive) disappointment, because the Leader has unrealisticly portrayed an almost flawless and faultless demeanor as it pertains to their leadership and them as a person.

Leaders don't be afraid to be transparent, let your people know that you're not perfect and you're growing, maturing and learning just as they are. People want a leader who don't mind saying "I don't have it all together" let them know in what areas you fall short sometimes. Let them know that you do get frustrated, angry, mad, disappointed, weak and so forth and so on! Every leader becomes broken, every leader cries, every leader has marital or relationship problems, every leader falls short in some area of their life.

In fact, every leader has weaknesses! Even Superman was susceptible to kryptonite.So don't be so caught up in how strong you are that you're too high to come down to where people are in their own struggles and share yours.


Pastor V.


Chanda said...

And I do find that those leaders who are the most transparent are the ones I pay attention to and respect the most.

James said...

Amen Chanda!