Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Today I saw a thought-provoking  statement that said, "Show hospitality, even though the corresponding return of hospitality to you may seem improbable; nevertheless, be hospitable in faith." The last part of that statement really stood out to me, because it suggests that our Hospitality should be done with no conditions, no strings attached, be hospitable without expected hospitality in return.

Now if the truth is told, that is one of the most difficult things to do, to extend hospitality to an individual or individuals with the great possibility that you won't receive it in return. Well, we're encouraged to "be hospitable in faith", while I'm taking care of them, we must believe that God will take care of us and don't worry HE WILL!

-- Stay Strong!

Pastor V.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Over the course of my life more specifically in leadership and ministry, I've discovered that there are many who measure how they're doing from their respective areas of leadership and ministry according to how they see someone in the same position as them are doing. They measure their success by how big another church's membership is or how many ministries or programs they have in place. They measure success by how big that church's budget is or how faithful the giving is of that particular church's membership. They even measure success by what kind of car the other Pastor/Leaders drives or the neighborhood he or she lives in.

The problem I've found out with measuring my personal success according to how/what I see another doing is that it can be very frustrating and discouraging. That's why it's important to understand that God allows things to be so in our lives in proportion to our ability and also our availability. He sees and knows ALL (omniscience)! There are some things we have a Zeal for but not necessarily the patience or tolerance or even mental or emotional strength to handle! There are some things that we haven't acquired the wisdom for yet, but we have the desire to do or be a part of.

I've learned in a very comprehensive way that EVERYTHING happens in God's time/timing! Having the Zeal for something, unfortunately is not indicative of the fact that I'm ready for what it is I have a Zeal for! Maybe there's more growth that needs to happen, more knowledge that needs to be gained, maybe there's more lessons to be learned,  more connections to be made or maybe, just maybe there's more TIME TO BE SPENT WITH GOD! Whatever it is it would behoove us to be faithful and dedicated where we are even through the frustration, the anxiety, the delays, the decline and the set backs.

Furthermore, just because a person, group or organization has seemingly surpassed you in a particular area in life or within their organization, believe me, it's not always a GOD thing! Sometimes things are allowed to happen just to show us, wow "I just wasn't ready for that, this is way too much to handle". So hang in there, be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10)! Our promotion comes from Him (Psalm 75:6) and He knows when we'll be ready for what we may think we're ready for right now.


Pastor V.

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Young and the Restless

Hey Everyone! It's been a minute since I've posted something personal! Well today I want to talk a little bit about how Valuable I believe young people (students, youth and children) are both to the local and Universal Church. Jesus once said something in His Word over in Mark Chapter 10 and verses #14-15, where He makes a clear and defining statement, He says... "He said to them, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children".  I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.”

Jesus was using the innocence, humility, teachable spirit, child-like faith, receptiveness and submissiveness of these children to show us who qualified to enter the Kingdom of God! Jesus had a heart for young people, He valued them, He understood them, He created a culture for them! I love that, because as a Pastor I try to follow Jesus' example of His Ministry to Children! I too believe that when it comes down to the things of the Kingdom young people play an intricate part in the advancement of the Kingdom Agenda!

For far too long so many churches have created a culture where young people are only to be seen and not heard! This has hurt and damaged young people, their confidence and their opportunities for serving and using their gifts and abilities to make a difference in their local churches and communities! Without a Ministry to Young People in the church they will become restless, bored, disinterested, reckless and even spiritually doubtful. I am absolutely convinced that young people have so much to offer as it relates to helping to move the local church in the direction to which God is calling it.

Next Week I'm going to give my ten personal reasons I believe young people should be used in their local churches and how great of an asset they'll be to their local church community at-large! God wants to use young people, therefore those in leadership should be creating and fostering an environment where they can use their God-given abilities to bring about life-change within the body of Christ as well as becoming a Godly influence on their friends and family that may be far from God!

Young people aren't just the Church of tomorrow, they're the Church of TODAY!

MORE NEXT WEEK.... In the meantime, Be Strong!

Pastor V.