Friday, June 8, 2012

The Young and the Restless

Hey Everyone! It's been a minute since I've posted something personal! Well today I want to talk a little bit about how Valuable I believe young people (students, youth and children) are both to the local and Universal Church. Jesus once said something in His Word over in Mark Chapter 10 and verses #14-15, where He makes a clear and defining statement, He says... "He said to them, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children".  I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.”

Jesus was using the innocence, humility, teachable spirit, child-like faith, receptiveness and submissiveness of these children to show us who qualified to enter the Kingdom of God! Jesus had a heart for young people, He valued them, He understood them, He created a culture for them! I love that, because as a Pastor I try to follow Jesus' example of His Ministry to Children! I too believe that when it comes down to the things of the Kingdom young people play an intricate part in the advancement of the Kingdom Agenda!

For far too long so many churches have created a culture where young people are only to be seen and not heard! This has hurt and damaged young people, their confidence and their opportunities for serving and using their gifts and abilities to make a difference in their local churches and communities! Without a Ministry to Young People in the church they will become restless, bored, disinterested, reckless and even spiritually doubtful. I am absolutely convinced that young people have so much to offer as it relates to helping to move the local church in the direction to which God is calling it.

Next Week I'm going to give my ten personal reasons I believe young people should be used in their local churches and how great of an asset they'll be to their local church community at-large! God wants to use young people, therefore those in leadership should be creating and fostering an environment where they can use their God-given abilities to bring about life-change within the body of Christ as well as becoming a Godly influence on their friends and family that may be far from God!

Young people aren't just the Church of tomorrow, they're the Church of TODAY!

MORE NEXT WEEK.... In the meantime, Be Strong!

Pastor V.

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