Tuesday, October 6, 2015


I believe in and am one that is all for being Transparent. I believe that when one (especially a leader) is Transparent it brings light to the fact that this individual is far from being Perfect and is in need of the same Grace that everyone else is. However, with that said, I also believe there should be a balance when it comes to being transparent. 
We should not showcase and spotlight our flaws, frailties, mishaps and dysfunction without there being some balance between that and our attempt to live lives that are morally and spiritually exceptional. Transparency does not excuse one (especially leaders) from working to pursue a life of integrity, honesty, self-control, Godliness and exemplary character.
We must remain accountable to how the bible calls for us to live and lead as Leaders. Don’t get so caught up in being Transparent that your Transparency overshadows and undermines your need to continue to train yourself to be a person of Discipline and exemplary character. The energy I put into being transparent, should also be put into showing and sharing with others that I am pushing to pursue a life of Holiness in Christ Jesus!
Yes, I believe we should "keep it real" and "Keep it 100" with people, but our lives should daily reflect and be a demonstration of the fact that although we're not perfect, we are availing ourselves to be Transformed by the sustaining and life-altering power of Jesus Christ, daily moving toward a life of Godliness and Christ-likeness. Thanks for reading y'all! - PV

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