Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Why I use Sermonic Illustrations

Over in Mark 4:33-34 Jesus followed a teaching rule, the bible explains it like this...

Mark 4:33-34 (NLT) 33 \"Jesus used many similar stories and illustrations to teach the people as much as they could understand. 34 In fact, in his public ministry He never taught without using parables..."

Wow! The Method (parabolic/parables) in which Jesus used to convey His messages kept people from getting lost in their comprehension of what was being taught.That's called being "Relevant" when you can take everyday life resources, situations and circusmtances and give a picturesque illustration to make plain the Word of God. As a Preacher/Teacher of the Gospel, I too try to follow this rule. I believe it is one of the most effective ways to inform people about what God has said in His Word and His plan for their lives. 

It was also a method that gave people hope beyond their current circumstances. The Method that Jesus used to communicate the Good News, should be a lead example for every Communicator of the Gospel. I know it is for me.

~ Pastor V.


Kisha said...

As a member of your congregation I appreciate you following Jesus and how He conveyed His messages. That's what I love about Canaan. Every Sunday we receive a "Relevant" Word that can be applied to our lives now. Thank you Pastor V.

James said...

AMEN! Kisha!