Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Hey Everybody! I just wanted to take a moment to talk about something practical, yet powerful that I believe is of great importance in just about every area of our lives and that is this word "DETERMINATION". Although Determination is described several ways, a couple of those ways share it's definition like this: "the act of deciding definitely and firmly" and "firm or fixed intention to achieve a desired end".

I believe that when we move and act with determination our goals, dreams and visions become more clear to us and those around us. We cannot pursue anything in life and expect to see favorable results unless there is Determination involved. Determination keeps us moving forward even when there are obstacles present, it is simply a matter of not giving up even when you feel like it. Keep moving, keep pursuing and keep being determined, before you know your goal will be reached! BE ENCOURAGED!~



James said...

ADDTIONAL COMMENTS: Make this (2012and beyond) your Season of Determination!

Be DETERMINED to make better choices:

1. Financially
2. Educationally
3. Socially
4. Relationally
5. Personally
6. Career-wise
7. Spiritually

Celeste said...

This message gives me insight on what I make a priority in my life and how determined am I to work at it. Make goals and achieve the goals. Without a goal, there is no purpose. thanks for this practical Message, Pastor