Friday, January 27, 2012

DAY 12 OF 21-DAY FAST (Special Blog)

I wanted to pause today and step outside of my routine Blogging for our 21-day Fast and talk briefly about something I believe God is saying during this season of fasting and prayer. Here's something to think about, What we "DO" determines what's "DUE"! Now you say, where did I get that from well, over in Galatians 6:9 it delcares this, “ Let us not grow wearing in well doing for in due season you shall reap if you faint not.”

If we continue to "DO" good we'll reap what God says is "DUE" us. I'm a firm believer that the type of seed you sow determines the kind of Harvest you reap! What I put in, determines what I get out! Even in the midst of trying and difficult times God wants to prove Himself to you by way of your personal Faithfulness to Him.

Don't give up now, you've come too far, "not growing weary in well doing" puts "giving up" in check and says to the world that no matter what I have to face, "giving up" is not an Option! Hang in there, there's a blessing on the other side of those seeds of faith and prayer that you've been sowing!

-- Pastor V.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing this scripture to our remembrance. Sometimes, acutually often, the trials of life seem so insurmountable that God seems so far away. Especially when we know, without a doubt, that we are being obedient and doing those things which are pleasing to God. Weariness has crept in on me, even though I too am in the midst of completing a 21 day liquid fast. Thank you for bringing me back to one of many simple truths, yet so profound. I appreciate your dedication and thrist for God's word. Be Blessed.

James said...

Amen! So glad that you were helped Anonymous! Stay Encouraged!

Pastor V.