Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 2 of 21-Day Fast

Today is Day 2 of our 21 day Fast and what I want to is offer a brief devotional from Psalm 102. In fact what I'll be doing each day is offering a devotional out of the Psalms beginning yesterday with Psalm 101 with the Book number representing that day that we're in for our Fast. So today will be Day 2 and we'll look at Psalm 102 verse 1 (although I want the entire Psalm to be our scriptural meditation for today..

Psalms 102:1 (NKJV) "Hear my prayer, O Lord, And let my cry come to you"

DEVOTIONAL: Today let's focus on offering prayers to God that point directly to our personal trials and afflictions. Let your prayers be earnest, honest, authentic and confident and even more important let your prayers be done in patience. Let God know through your prayers that you are counting on Him and have total dependence upon Him to see you out of the personal trial and affliction and that you're lining your will up with His waiting patiently for Him to move in your life only the way tha He knows how.

Be Strong!

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