Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 1 of 21-day Fast

Our Church began a 21-day Fast today as we Spiritually unite ourselves to get closer to God and seek Direction from Him in this new year. Our focus for this year is to live our lives in a way that will please Him and bring Him glory like never before!

There's a quote that the Lord gave me that we're taking into this Fast and it simply says this, "Be Faithful where you are so God can bless where you're going". I've printed this quote out and placed above my desk at home and at work! It will be a directive for me to follow everyday as I seek to be faithful in my walk with God everyday!

So with that everyday for the next 21 days I will be Blogging a brief Devotional to encourage us during this 21-day Fast.

So let me just plug-in a short devotional on "Faithfulness". God is calling for us to live our lives at another level of "Faithfulness", God honors and blesses "Faithfulness",  in Psalm 101:6 (NLT) God Himself says, 6 "I will search for faithful people to be my companions. Only those who are above reproach will be allowed to serve me". Our goal is to give God what He's looking for, if He's calling us to be more faithful in our walk with Him then that should be our goal, that should be a Spiritual priority for us.

So during this Fast pray for strength to become as Faithful as God has called you to be and watch Him honor that in an incredible way!

Stay Strong!

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