Thursday, January 12, 2012


The Bible says, "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:10 NKJV)
Persecution in the bible or any where for that case, usually indicates that a person is being harrassed or annoyed in some hateful way! Over the course of my walk with and maturity in God I've come to the place where I now allow Persecution to push me further into my purpose! In fact here are a few steps that I take when facing persecution:

1. I GO INTO INTENSE PRAYER - I start out by asking God to show me what it is I need to see in myself through this painful yet purposeful process of being persecuted.Prayer gives me a peace in the midst of persecution, I'm able to handle it better when I pray!

2. I GET MOTIVATED -  (in fact while I'm typing this Blog, I'm facing some persecution, but I'm so motivated to do something radical for the Lord -- Like go out on the street corner and start a revival, I'm at work so I can't, lol); So I'm Blogging instead! Finally...

3. I TAKE ACTION.- Because of the power of prayer that brings "PEACE", I don't sit around and stress and worry about what I'm going through, I don't hang my head down, walking around moping, I don't have a pity party, why -- because I know there is a God-ordained purpose in what I'm facing. So I take the motivation and allow it be the driving force behind me doing something Impacting!  I apply it to the Ministry gift that the Lord has endowed me with and begin making a radical impact (whether it's through preaching, teaching or witnessing), I apply to my marriage, I apply to my performance at Work and I apply it to my associations/relationships (even those who are persecuting me). I use the motivation to impact every area of my life!

I pray this has helped somebody! Your comments are encouraged!



Mitch said...

PJV, I just want to say THANK YOU to you for your quote, " Because of the power of prayer that brings "PEACE", I don't sit around and stress and worry about what I'm going through, I don't hang my head down, walking around moping, I don't have a pity party, why -- because I know there is a God-ordained purpose in what I'm facing.

After I read this my spirits were instantly lifted! God Bless you brother & Keep doing what you're doing!


James said...

AWESOME Mitch! I'm praising God with you!

Pastor V.