Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I want to talk about TRUST for a moment! Trust is a major key to the survival of any Relationship! Whether it's a dating relationship, a marital relationship, a business relationship/partnership or a friendship, trust plays a HUGE role in keeping two people together. I've learned over the course of my life that even when trust is built, it sometimes has a way of being torn down! Often times this can happen because of distractions that surface outside of the relationship. These distractions can especially come in the form of other people! When people come into our lives outside of our regular relationships, it's our call as to how far we're going to let them in.

More often than not, these outsiders usually don't have the best interest of your current relationships at heart and when we let them in too far, they have a way, by way of their outside agenda of planting seeds of discord and disunity between us and our current relationships, which causes a violation of trust between us and those we presently have built trust with.

This is due to the selfishness and small mindedness of the new individual and their need for your attention outside of your current relationships. It takes a MATURE individual to show up in your life and want to add to the trust that you already have in your current relationships.

Be very careful who you allow to get close to you outside of your current relationships, because it just may be that, that person's agenda WILL be poisonous to the trust you have built with those who have come before them.

Hope this helps, I would love to hear your thoughts, God bless!


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