Friday, October 19, 2012

No more Limited Thinking, think outside the Box

One of the Biggest enemies to Progress is Limited thinking! I call Limited Thinking, Stale thinking! Limited thinking is detrimental to you seeing beyond what you've always known (the familiar). I've encountered some people that have been so programmed to think inside of the circle of the "Familiar" that when they've encountered something fresh, new or innovative they literally cringed at the thought of it. Limited thinking keeps one from experiencing growth on so many levels. Just because it's the way you've always seen or heard it done, doesn't mean that, that's the ONLY way it can or should be done!

So many have been almost intimidated into limited thinking, even in the church! Their are some who are made to feel that if they go outside of how they've always seen or heard it done, then they're going to hell or they're less of a Christian than they've professed to be. This almost becomes an insecure or fearful mindset! I say it all the time and I'll say it again, Our MESSAGE doesn't Change, but our Method can! As long as the Method doesn't compromise Biblical principals and standards it's ok to think outside the BOX! So whatever your BOX is (Church tradtion, home, school, family tradition, old habits, etc.) don't be "stuck" in your ways, it's time to start thinking outside the BOX!

Isaiah 42:9 (NIV) "See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.”




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