Thursday, October 25, 2012


There's a saying that goes, "People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care". Well in my time in Ministry and Spiritual Leadership, I've discovered that there is so much validity and truth to this statement. The more I serve people the more I understand how important it is for them to know you care. Caring is a visible tangible action that is carried out in the life of others while serving and doing ministry to them.

People don't mind following Leaders who care! I believe that my effectiveness as a Leader centers around my willingness to care and love the people that I lead and those God allows me to encounter outside of the physical structure of the Church building. It doesn't matter if I can preach well,  if I can teach well or if I am fluent in quoting scriptures, unless my love and care for people is genunine, authentic and pure then all of that means absolutely nothing. If lives are going to be changed, I must Care. ICARE!

-- Be Strong!

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