Monday, December 3, 2012


Back near the end of August 2012 I made a purposeful and determined decision to begin giving more attention to my Health. At that time I was in the worst shape of my life, I was the heaviest I'd ever been and the most unhealthy as I'd ever been and I was starting to really feel it. One of my problems was I was eating heavy meals late and then going straight to bed (that's a no-no). \

I was also eating very unhealthy foods (Fried, greasy, sugary foods, etc.) So I decided to get me a personal trainer and begin a Fitness Program that will help me to get back down to my ideal body weight as well as help me to get off of the current BP Meds that I take daily. I'm by no means a Fitness Guru or Professional but I do understand the importance and significance of being healthy.

Since August I've dropped 22 pounds! Now I'm not that impressed with that number, but I am grateful because that's 22 pounds less that I have to lose. My goal date to be at my ideal body weight is Thanksgiving 2013. I'm looking to lose 100 more pounds. Some of you may say Wow that's a lot of weight and yes it is, but it's the personal goal that I've set for myself and I'm determined to get there.

When I tell people I was more than 100 pounds overweight, they're almost shocked because I didn't look like it, mainly because of my 6'1" frame. Nonetheless, I know I was more than 100  pounds overweight and it was literally killing me (emotionally and physically).

So as I continue on this Fitness Journey I want to encourage someone who needs to set a goal for your life, whether it's fitness, educational, spiritual, relational or financial set that goal and stick to it and don't stop until you see the end matter how long it takes! My Motto for my Fitness Journey is "If you Believe, You can Achieve" and I encourage somebody to embrace this same saying, if nobody else is going to be believe in you, you believe in your Yourself! Listen, although I have a long way to go and no, it isn't EASY, BUT I'm determined to make it to my goal!

Let me leave with a scripture...Ecclesiastes 7:8a. (NLT) says, "Finishing is better than starting...", bottom line, FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED!



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