Friday, December 28, 2012


I was sitting and thinking about all of the Gospel/Christian Music that many of us as Christians listen to and I've come to realize that half of them are what I would like to call "Theologically Incorrect". Theology has to do with our Knowledge of God! Many of the Gospel/Christian songs that we listen to have no biblical or scriptural backing! The lyrics in the songs seem to be pretty much what comes to peoples mind! While the lyrics sound spiritual using words like, "God", "Him", "Faith", "shout", "praise", etc., many of the songs really don't line up with what's in the Word of God!

A couple of songs in particular come to mind (I won't mention them in this Blog), but one song in particular sung by a famous gospel duo, that has become most popular among churchgoers, saints and believers never even mentions anything that implies something spiritual, biblical or Godly. It's basically an inspirational song of encouragement and motivation but definetly not Biblical and has absolutely no Theological Tone or Thought! While that's fine and all, that song should fall under "Contemporary R&B" rather than Gospel.

I just believe if you're a Gospel Group or Singer your songs should reflect just that "The Gospel" (The Good News of Jesus Christ) AND reflect as much of what the Bible has to say as possible. Just some thoughts of mine guys, feel free to comment and give your thoughts. Be Blessed!

- PV

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