Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Hey everyone! Wow, it's been a really, really long time since I've Blogged! Well, I'm back and ready to give more thoughts. This week something has been on my mind as it pertains to what it is that God has called me to do and the cultural context in which He has called me to do it. I've discovered (especially as a Pastor/Spiritual Leader) that it is of critical importance that we Choose a method that works for your context! One of the most damaging things that one can do is implement or attempt to carry out something that doesn't fit where and who you are as it relates to your cultural context! I see this happening in the body of Christ, Churches are putting things in place things that really serves as "foreign" objects to where they are culturally. If you put in place something that doesn't fit the "overall" culture of the church's Programs, Vision and Ministries then you are doing more harm than good. In fact it's just down right misleading, espcially when what you do at that time will only have a momentary impact on those we are trying to serve and minister to. I just refuse to take the lives of others that I've been entrusted with and put in front of them a "temporary fix". Everything we do in terms of ministry and service to others should be an extension of how things are done culturallyg and contextually on a regular basis and if it's something new, my ministry to them should be followed by on-going programs and ministries that will help build upon what we started. Ok, that's my thoughts for today. STAY STRONG, - PV

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I was recently asked by someone who is "seeking" why it is that I spend so much time in my Bible, listening to/looking at some Gospel/Christian Music and some preaching. I told them because the Call of God upon my life is the greatest thing that ever happen for me (other than me getting SAVED) and it is my Passion. I can't think of anything else I would rather be doing other than Preaching and Teaching God's Word and Leading People to Christ. I'm not ashamed to live my life For Christ in front of those who may not know Him. Am I perfect? NO! Do I always cross every "T" and dot every "I"? NOT!

However, I strive everyday to Live my Life in a way that would reflect that I do have a Relationship with the Lord. This behavior as I'm finding out is strange to those who aren't living their lives as such, but I do believe that the authenticity of my relationship with Christ and my walk as a Christian is just a great Witness to those who may be without Christ. I will continue to represent Christ in everything I do and what I don't get right today, if He allows me to see another day, I'll get right then!

Here's my Life Scripture and I live by it everyday... "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me" Galatians 2:20 (NKJV)!

Until Next time...Stay Strong!

- PV.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Hey Everybody!

Just wanted to Blog for a moment about being Nutritionally Fit! I've discovered during my journey that I began in August 2012 to become Physically Healthy and Fit again that Nutrition plays a HUGE role in my Physical Health and Wellness. I think at one point on this journey I attempted to stay committed to my work outs but half-heartedly be committed to my nutrition intake! Well, I learned the hard way as my weight loss was being stifled in a major way. In fact, I was losing and then as I backed off somewhat from being committed to being nutritionally fit, I didn't gain weight but I didn't lose anymore either, it just stayed right where it was and didn't go anywhere. So I made up my mind that I got to get Back.

So around Mid-February I decided to get serious about how I did things nutritionally! So I am now faithfully back to eating the "right" things; Fruits, Vegetables, Protien and Fiber are all plugged back into my diet! I have a healthy Breakfasst, Lunch and Dinner and I will not eat after 7:30 p.m. My snacks are healthier (no more chips, cookies, cakes or cupcakes). I also cut out Breads and other starchy foods.

My body feel so much better and I am able to focus now on the those things that matter nutritionally. I've discovered that what I'm doing in the gym must be complimented by what I eat. I hope this encouraged somebody and just know that "With God all things are Possible"!

You've been Blogging with Pastor V.


Thursday, February 21, 2013


As a Preacher of the Gospel, I believe it's important that you have Fun with your Family! Your Family/home is where your Ministry starts first. It's important to have fun and be real with your family to show them that you're down to earth and that a "Title" doesn't dictate or determine your Vibrancy! Smile with them, laugh with them, joke around with them and be silly with them! As preachers there's no need to be stale, stiff or super serious and sensitive espeically toward your Family! Loosen up, Lighten UP! You can be a Real person without taking away from the Reverence of your Call!

That's just my little thoughts, hope it helped somebody! PV signing off! PEACE!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Gospel makes the Difference

There's an old hymn of the Church that I grew up on entitled: "Lift HIM Up". What I love about this Hymn is that it makes so much sense in regard to the Power of Gospel! I think it goes without saying that The Gospel (The Good News of Jesus Christ) is what transforms man's life and brings him to a place of renewal and regeneration. There's a portion of the Hymn that says this...
"Don’t exalt the preacher, don’t exalt the pew,
Preach the Gospel simple, full and free;
Prove Him and you will find that promise is true,
“I’ll draw all men unto Me.”

The Refrain of the Song goes...
"Lift Him up, Lift Him up,
Still He speaks from eternity:
“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth,
Will draw all men unto Me"

I lift this Song because I have noticed among Christians and church-goers alike that many have a habit of exalting the PREACHER! I often hear people give preachers nicknames and terms of endearment! While there is not "sin" is in doing so I believe that it often promotes and exalts the Preacher/Pastor rather than the CHRIST! Which cause many to be Personality-driven when it comes to Church attendance. Rather than worshipping the Savior, there becomes a Worship of the Leader! If a person leaves church and talks more about the Pastor, what the Pastor said, who the Pastor is, how the Pastor "tore it up" or "turned it", rather than how God used the man or woman or God or how God really spoke to them or better yet how because of God using the Pastor, they (the hearer of the Word) intends on making changes in their walk with God because of how GOD'S Word spoke to them.


Signing Off,

 - P.V.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Hey Everybody! Just wanted to take a moment to share some thoughts about "Soul Searching". I believe in the midst of a hectic and chaotic world, it's important that we take a moment to discover our inner-self. Now I'm not trying to be spooky, deep or mystical but I do believe that self-examination is needed and necessary. Self examination begins with PRAYER! Talk to God about YOU! There are so many unanswered questions concerning YOU and it's important that you take the time to talk to God concerning those unanswered questions.

I believe that a lot of what we find out during times of Prayer and meditation through self-examination helps us to battle and overcome many of the tiring issues that weigh us down! I have personally discovered that "soul-searching" has revealed some important things about myself and given me the opportunity to bring closure to many of the daunting and pending circumstances that surrounded my life.

Finally, Soul Searching must be on-going, continue to seek God for clarity and understanding concerning your life, I believe that in doing so you'll discover the BEST You in whatever situation you may find yourself! Until next time guys, BE STRONG! You've been blogging with Pastor V.


- PV