Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Hey Everybody!

Just wanted to Blog for a moment about being Nutritionally Fit! I've discovered during my journey that I began in August 2012 to become Physically Healthy and Fit again that Nutrition plays a HUGE role in my Physical Health and Wellness. I think at one point on this journey I attempted to stay committed to my work outs but half-heartedly be committed to my nutrition intake! Well, I learned the hard way as my weight loss was being stifled in a major way. In fact, I was losing and then as I backed off somewhat from being committed to being nutritionally fit, I didn't gain weight but I didn't lose anymore either, it just stayed right where it was and didn't go anywhere. So I made up my mind that I got to get Back.

So around Mid-February I decided to get serious about how I did things nutritionally! So I am now faithfully back to eating the "right" things; Fruits, Vegetables, Protien and Fiber are all plugged back into my diet! I have a healthy Breakfasst, Lunch and Dinner and I will not eat after 7:30 p.m. My snacks are healthier (no more chips, cookies, cakes or cupcakes). I also cut out Breads and other starchy foods.

My body feel so much better and I am able to focus now on the those things that matter nutritionally. I've discovered that what I'm doing in the gym must be complimented by what I eat. I hope this encouraged somebody and just know that "With God all things are Possible"!

You've been Blogging with Pastor V.


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