Monday, November 23, 2015


About 2 months ago our Church, Canaan Christian Fellowship Church (CCFC) started something for Men called ManUp Men's Power Prayer Call, where the men of our Church and Community gather via conference call from 6:00 - 6:45  a.m. every Monday for Prayer and Devotion empowering men to be all that God is calling them to be in Christ. Over the past few weeks we have been discussing the topic of: "EVOLUTION". 

In short Evolution has to do with the process of Advancement, Change and Growth. We've been looking at different steps we can take as men to be Evolutionary, not allowing Pride and Shame to block us from making progress in our unique and individual journeys. The two steps we've discussed so far in our quest toward advancement, growth and change are; we need to be 1) GOOD LISTENERS and we need to be 2) TEACHABLE. 

Those who listen are those who learn, Having good listening skills will pay big dividends in the end. Our future highly depends upon our willingness be a good listener. Also we must be Teachable, and I don't just mean from the context of a classroom, conference room or pulpit, but being teachable means we must find a lesson in the classroom of Life, I mean in every detail of our lives, Even in the smallest most minute moments in life, we must allow ourselves to be trained and taught in those moments. Part of Evolving means ever learning, ever being a good listener and being teachable is something that must be consistent and ongoing. We should always look for ways and opportunities to become better and do better. Be Encouraged Somebody!

- PV

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