Monday, March 7, 2016


What's up everybody! It's been a minute since I've Blogged! I wanted to come on and share something from one of our ManUp Men's Prayer call. This morning we talked about "Accountability" and the benefits and blessing of having an Accountability partner. As Men, or just a person for that matter, many of us have to constantly deal with our flaws, faults and failures. One of the most powerful things we can do is become accountable for those flaws, faults and failures. This would call for us to get an accountability partner, someone we can share those flaws, faults and failures with and someone that will challenge us to do a self-evaluation and assessment in becoming an improved version of ourselves despite those flawed areas of our lives. 

Here's the challenge, becoming accountable to someone take us being Honest and Vulnerable. It's challenging because many of us have Trust issues and this is usually a hindrance to Accountability. That's why it's important to connect to a trustworthy individual that has already proven themselves trustworthy, someone you can share your flaws, faults, habits and addictions with in confidence and not feel judged or condemned for doing so. Maybe this accountability partner is your Pastor, a family member, a church member, a ministry partner/team member, a coach, a mentor, a counselor or clinical Professional.

It's all about "taking ownership" and connecting to someone that will challenge you do better and allow room for growth in the areas where there is deep struggle. The best part of you and I has yet to be revealed, as there is untapped potential and promise that has yet to be released and a great place to start moving toward that untapped potential and promise is by way of Accountability. 

Be blessed,

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