Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Touching the untouchables -  Ministry Toolbox - Pastors

As we approach our 'DO SOMETHING' Campaign and Sermon Series I believe this Article speaks volumes about the life-changing Ministry we want to see ourselves doing and those lives we seek to touch. Check it out!
Touching the untouchables - Ministry Toolbox - Pastors

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


1. Sorry this is late, but better late than never (-:

2. Well my weekend was both quiet and busy (if that's possible)

3. On Saturday I had the privilage of officiated a beautiful wedding, congratulations to the new bride and groom.

4. On Sunday we welcomed our guest speaker Min. Kenneth Cole who preached the final message from our Singles Month Series: "LIVING SINGLE"

5. The Message he preached was both challenging and encouraging, as he challenged us to focus first on having an intimate relationship with Christ before we focus on having one with people. Lives were truly changed and blessed during our Sunday Worship Experience.

6. This coming Sunday we begin our Brand New series entitled: 'DO SOMETHING'.

7. This series will be both thought-provoking and life-changing as we as a Church seek to become more effective in serving and making a difference in the lives of others, while finding even greater fulfillment in our relationship with Jesus Christ.

8. Invite as many as you can to Church on this coming Sunday for the beginning of this life-changing series.

9. Don't forget to call in TONIGHT to our Mid-Week Connections Bible Study Conference Call. Tonight I will be teaching a lesson that will focus on the FAMILY, from our current teaching Series entitled: "The Proverbs Adventures".  Invite as many of your family on the line, it will be a blessing to your whole family.

10. Finally, as Easter approaches let's not forget the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us at Calvary, He is truly worthy to be praised. Remember John 3:16

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


On last night during our Mid-Week Connections Bible Study we talked about 'REAL FRIENDSHIPS' out of the Book of Proverbs. Here was our takeaway:

1. Loyalty
2. Trust
3. Reciprocation
4. Refining
5. Forgiveness

Do you know who your REAL Friends are?

Monday, March 21, 2011


1. My Saturday was busy during the A.M.

2. I spent the early part of my morning with my Pastor and Spiritual Covering along with some great local Senior Pastors as I sat on an Ordination Examination Council with them, examining some wonderful Ordination Candidates for the office of Elder and Deacon. It was a very refreshing experience and awesome to see God elevate Men and Women in Ministry.

3. The CCFC Children Ministry had an awesome 'MOVIE DAY' on Saturday. I am so proud of Sis. Dominique and her team for investing in our King's Kids Children as they do. They have a pure heart for our Children. If your child is not involved in our King's Kids Children's Ministry I would encourage you to get them connected.

4. Our Sunday Morning Worship Experience was absolutely incredible. From our Dance Ministry to our King's Kids Singing to our Our Guest Speaker, Elder David Moore, who brought a timely Word for both the Singles and Married folks. What an awesome, relevant and practical Message he preached from 1st Samuel 16:1-7, lives were changed and God was given the Glory!

5. We're another step closer to our 'DO SOMETHING' launch date which is Sunday April 3, 2011 during our 11:00 a.m. Worship Experience.  Invite as many as you can to church with you that day, it's going to be exciting and life-changing. We're going to make our lives count for the Kingdom.

6. Invite as many as you can on our Tuesday Night Mid-Week Connections Bible study Conference Call tomorrow Tuesday March 22, 2011 @ 7:45 p.m. It'll be another timely Word for the Week. Our Communications Ministry has sent out the Call-in information. Please check your e-mails and the CCFC Facebook page.

7. BE ENCOURAGED EVERYBODY! Remember with God ALL things are Possible!

Monday, March 14, 2011


1. Well we're back on our Monday Morning Grind! Blah!

2. Today has been a struggle, this time change (spring forward) has been a hard adjustment!

3. I hung out a little bit on Saturday with my wife, it was nice spending time together.

4. Our Sunday Morning Worship Experience was amazing!

5. I preached Part 2 of the message entitled: "The Gift of Singleness" from our Curren Sermon Series: "Living Single".

6. Many lives were changed and blessed as a result of these messages. I'm so proud of the way our Singles have responded to the Word of God this Month as many of them are committed to making the necessary changes that God desires for their lives. You go Singles!

7. Our Married Couples have been blessed as well, as we have recieved great feedback from our Married couples as God has been giving a Word for both the Married and Singles. I'm excited to hear what God has to say over the next two Sundays through our guest speakers. Be sure to invite as many Singles and Married Couples as you can.

8. We're excited about our Mid-Week Connections Bible study Conference Call tomorrow night at 7:45 pm. There will be another life-changing lesson from our current teaching series: "The Proverbs Adventures". Be on the look out for our Call-in information coming from our Communications Ministry, invite as many as you can on the line tomorrow night.

9. Remember to make this week a Great Week, regardless of what happens, just kow that God's got it!

Friday, March 11, 2011


1. Pushy People
2. Rush Hour Traffic
3. People who drive poorly in Rush Hour traffic
4. Long lines in the Grocery Store
5. People who stand really close to me on a crowded Subway
6. A Crowded Subway Train
7. Poor Customer Service

....More to come

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I have prayed that God would give me patience to deal with the following:
1. Stupidity
2. People who are stuck in their Ways and who resist change
3. Chronic Liars
4. When People talk to you like you're stupid
5. When you ask someone a question and they didn't hear you and answer you "what?"
6. When you talk to people and they pretend like they don't hear you.
7. Teenagers (and anybody for that matter) who use multiple curse words in sentences.
8. Arrogant/Overly confident People


Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Sometimes God does things or allows things to happen in our lives that we don't Understand, but that's not a reason to doubt Who He is or what He's able to do. Our finite way of comprehending things does not alter the Divinity or Sovereignty of God. He's still God and besides Him there is no other. We have to trust Him even when we can't Trace Him! He's still All-knowing, All-seeing, All-sufficient and He has All Power! We must yield ourselves and our Situations TOTALLY to Him and just because it seems to be too much for us, it doesn't mean it's too much for Him, in fact because it seems to be too much for us, that makes it obviously that it's just enough for Him. Matthew 11:28 (NIV) says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" -- Be Encouraged Somebody!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


1. My weekend was great.

2. Enjoyed some shopping with my family, always good have family time on the weekend after a long work week.

3. Our Sunday Morning Worship Experience was wonderful!

4. We began our Singles Month Celebration this past Sunday.

5. I started the first message from our Singles Month Sermon Series entitled: "Living Single". We got awesome feedback from both Married and Single Believers who were blessed by God's life-changing Word. It's all about Changed lives.

6. I'm excited about preaching Part 2 of the message we started this past Sunday, I'm believing God to show up in a BIG way.

7. I had to leave immediately after I spoke on Sunday to take my son to the Emergency Room, he's healing quickly, thank God.

We're gearing up for our 'DO SOMETHING' Campaign which will begin on the first Sunday in April 2011. It's all about making our lives count!

8. I'm pumped about our Mid-Week Connections Bible study tonight as we continue from our teaching Series: "The Proverbs Adventures", tonight's lesson will be helpful to many, invite as many people as you can on the call. Our Communications Ministry has e-mailed the call in information, you can find it on the CCFC Facebook page as well.

9. Have a great week everybody, and know that God is worthy of our Praise even in the midst of our Problems, Be encouraged somebody!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011