Tuesday, March 8, 2011


1. My weekend was great.

2. Enjoyed some shopping with my family, always good have family time on the weekend after a long work week.

3. Our Sunday Morning Worship Experience was wonderful!

4. We began our Singles Month Celebration this past Sunday.

5. I started the first message from our Singles Month Sermon Series entitled: "Living Single". We got awesome feedback from both Married and Single Believers who were blessed by God's life-changing Word. It's all about Changed lives.

6. I'm excited about preaching Part 2 of the message we started this past Sunday, I'm believing God to show up in a BIG way.

7. I had to leave immediately after I spoke on Sunday to take my son to the Emergency Room, he's healing quickly, thank God.

We're gearing up for our 'DO SOMETHING' Campaign which will begin on the first Sunday in April 2011. It's all about making our lives count!

8. I'm pumped about our Mid-Week Connections Bible study tonight as we continue from our teaching Series: "The Proverbs Adventures", tonight's lesson will be helpful to many, invite as many people as you can on the call. Our Communications Ministry has e-mailed the call in information, you can find it on the CCFC Facebook page as well.

9. Have a great week everybody, and know that God is worthy of our Praise even in the midst of our Problems, Be encouraged somebody!

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