Tuesday, March 29, 2011


1. Sorry this is late, but better late than never (-:

2. Well my weekend was both quiet and busy (if that's possible)

3. On Saturday I had the privilage of officiated a beautiful wedding, congratulations to the new bride and groom.

4. On Sunday we welcomed our guest speaker Min. Kenneth Cole who preached the final message from our Singles Month Series: "LIVING SINGLE"

5. The Message he preached was both challenging and encouraging, as he challenged us to focus first on having an intimate relationship with Christ before we focus on having one with people. Lives were truly changed and blessed during our Sunday Worship Experience.

6. This coming Sunday we begin our Brand New series entitled: 'DO SOMETHING'.

7. This series will be both thought-provoking and life-changing as we as a Church seek to become more effective in serving and making a difference in the lives of others, while finding even greater fulfillment in our relationship with Jesus Christ.

8. Invite as many as you can to Church on this coming Sunday for the beginning of this life-changing series.

9. Don't forget to call in TONIGHT to our Mid-Week Connections Bible Study Conference Call. Tonight I will be teaching a lesson that will focus on the FAMILY, from our current teaching Series entitled: "The Proverbs Adventures".  Invite as many of your family on the line, it will be a blessing to your whole family.

10. Finally, as Easter approaches let's not forget the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us at Calvary, He is truly worthy to be praised. Remember John 3:16

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