Monday, March 14, 2011


1. Well we're back on our Monday Morning Grind! Blah!

2. Today has been a struggle, this time change (spring forward) has been a hard adjustment!

3. I hung out a little bit on Saturday with my wife, it was nice spending time together.

4. Our Sunday Morning Worship Experience was amazing!

5. I preached Part 2 of the message entitled: "The Gift of Singleness" from our Curren Sermon Series: "Living Single".

6. Many lives were changed and blessed as a result of these messages. I'm so proud of the way our Singles have responded to the Word of God this Month as many of them are committed to making the necessary changes that God desires for their lives. You go Singles!

7. Our Married Couples have been blessed as well, as we have recieved great feedback from our Married couples as God has been giving a Word for both the Married and Singles. I'm excited to hear what God has to say over the next two Sundays through our guest speakers. Be sure to invite as many Singles and Married Couples as you can.

8. We're excited about our Mid-Week Connections Bible study Conference Call tomorrow night at 7:45 pm. There will be another life-changing lesson from our current teaching series: "The Proverbs Adventures". Be on the look out for our Call-in information coming from our Communications Ministry, invite as many as you can on the line tomorrow night.

9. Remember to make this week a Great Week, regardless of what happens, just kow that God's got it!

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