Monday, March 21, 2011


1. My Saturday was busy during the A.M.

2. I spent the early part of my morning with my Pastor and Spiritual Covering along with some great local Senior Pastors as I sat on an Ordination Examination Council with them, examining some wonderful Ordination Candidates for the office of Elder and Deacon. It was a very refreshing experience and awesome to see God elevate Men and Women in Ministry.

3. The CCFC Children Ministry had an awesome 'MOVIE DAY' on Saturday. I am so proud of Sis. Dominique and her team for investing in our King's Kids Children as they do. They have a pure heart for our Children. If your child is not involved in our King's Kids Children's Ministry I would encourage you to get them connected.

4. Our Sunday Morning Worship Experience was absolutely incredible. From our Dance Ministry to our King's Kids Singing to our Our Guest Speaker, Elder David Moore, who brought a timely Word for both the Singles and Married folks. What an awesome, relevant and practical Message he preached from 1st Samuel 16:1-7, lives were changed and God was given the Glory!

5. We're another step closer to our 'DO SOMETHING' launch date which is Sunday April 3, 2011 during our 11:00 a.m. Worship Experience.  Invite as many as you can to church with you that day, it's going to be exciting and life-changing. We're going to make our lives count for the Kingdom.

6. Invite as many as you can on our Tuesday Night Mid-Week Connections Bible study Conference Call tomorrow Tuesday March 22, 2011 @ 7:45 p.m. It'll be another timely Word for the Week. Our Communications Ministry has sent out the Call-in information. Please check your e-mails and the CCFC Facebook page.

7. BE ENCOURAGED EVERYBODY! Remember with God ALL things are Possible!

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