Thursday, September 15, 2011


DICTIONARY.COM  says INSECURITY means to: "Lack confidence or assurance; self-doubt". Insecurity can BE both mildly and severely dangerous. It affects both the one who's being Insecure and those the insecurity is being directed towards.

When you have feelings of insecurity you doubt yourself and your ability to cope with a problem or situation or fear a negative outcome. Here's some great advice on overcoming Insecurity:

1. ADDRESS THE PROBLEM - Confronting Insecurity is of great importance, becasue it's very possible that insecurity could develop into something more dangerous. Rather than avoid these situations  you should confront them and learn to overcome them. Confront the challenges and not run away from them.

2. EXPECT AND PREPARE FOR THE UNEXPECTED - Whatever your situation, whether it's being a relationship, using a gift, talent or ability or just performing your job, when you prepare for the unexpected, your Insecurity is less likely to grow into something unecessarily Big and it keeps Insecurity from having any power over you rather you gain power over your Insecurity.

3. CONFIDE IN A TRUSTED SOURCE -  Surrounding yourself with people you can trust and confide in is always Helpful and Healthy. Getting advice and counsel from "wise" people may not help the problem go completely away, but it will help you put things into their proper perspective. It's always a good thing to hear a Voice other than the Voice of Insecurity.



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