Tuesday, September 20, 2011


As a Pastor the Lord has called me, gifted and graced me with the opportunrity to share in the hurt and pain of others, helping to coach, mentor, encourage, counsel and advise them through seasons of hurt and pain. Well, I must admit that can be a bit taxing and even frustrating at times, but it's what I enjoy doing, it's what I have a passion for, helping to see people back from places of distress and devastation!

However, there are times when that help goes underappreciated; I mean there will be a consistent period of time where someone will lean on me for Advice and Counsel to help them through a situation and the moment things start lookinig UP for that individual, they're no where to be found. I try to call, text and e-mail just to follow up with them and check on them, but I never recieve a call, text or e-mail back, this can be very frustrating especailly since I answered or returned every one of their calls, e-mails or texts, when they attempted to reach me..I'm by no means complaining, I'm just speaking on how prevelant selfishness is in today's society.

WILL continue being there and being a blessing to those who are hurting and will do so without hesitation or reservation, even if it's never appreciated, because it's what I LOVE  and am passionatte about doing and I understand clearly that my Ultimate reward is waiting for me in Heaven. Be blessed Somebody.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very well put Pastor...there are times when people take your kindness for weakness, but as long as God knows your heart and you are trying to help the ones who are hurting and/or in pain then you will be rewarded generously. Keep your head up, because God has your back. Even when no one sees, he does.
Ms. Simone