Monday, September 12, 2011


This past Sunday I began a New Sermon Series entitled: "NOT A FAN". The Messages for this Series are designed to Challenge us to "DTR" Define The Relationship that we have with Jesus Christ. A FAN is described as:  An enthusiastic admirer”. In God’s Word Jesus was never interested in “Fans”. So, is this how we would define our relationship with Him (a fan)? During the month of September we invite you to join “followers” of Jesus Christ as we dig into the Word of God and look at how we have been called to be followers of Christ and not His Fans.

Luke 9:23 (NLT) says, "Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my FOLLOWER you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me"

Two major points are made in this passage, in order to successfully be a "FOLLOWER" of Christ:

1) SELF-DENIAL - Giving up, surrendering, submitting your whole self to the will, direction and Lordship of Jesus. Making your desires HIs desires, HIs interest your interest, the things He loves becoming the things you love.

 2) PATIENCE (endurance) - is needed to face and overcome the trials that come every now and then with being a follower. Patience keeps you from giving up on God and on life in the midst of troubling circumstances. Patience is the key to picking up your cross daily and following Christ. Finally patience keeps you from being a "FAN" or (Fair weather disciple) as we saw in John Chapter 6:41-66.
 Jwho step across the line and say “I’m not a fan”
More to come...


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