Friday, February 3, 2012


TODAY'S DEVOTIONAL: Day 19/Psalm 119

Psalm 119 is the longest reading in the bible out of any one Chapter. So I'll be selecting just one verse of reading today! Today I want to look at a familiar passage out of Psalm 119:11 where the Psalmist says, "Your word have I hid in my heart, that I may not sin against you". Now one of the key words in that passage is "hid" it also means "to store up", "conceal" or "to treasure", it gives the idea of "hoarding" (if any of you have ever seen the TV show "HOARDERS' you'll understand what hoarding actually looks like), the bible speaks of hoarding in the positive sense. So it speaks of laying or storing up God's Word in an very private and inaccessable place, "the heart". And the Psalmist says he has made a permanant deposit of God's word as a preventative measure against a sinful lifestyle. Not that he would be "sinless" but that he would sin less!

So today let's remember the power of God's Word and the incredible life-changing worth and Value it has for our lives.

Stay Strong!
- Pastor V.

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