Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I have a deep love for Worship! I love Worship Music and I love a Christ-Centered Worship-filled environment and atmosphere.  In fact if I wasn't a Pastor, it was always a dream of mine to become a Worship Leader! In fact years ago I took Piano lessons with hopes that one day I would be playing for a Choir or Worship Team leading them and a local church in heartfelt, spirit-filled Worship!

Well, God had other plans and I'm not mad, LOL! I still love to Worship and I still Worship, no matter who's around I still lift my hands, I still bow down, I still let the tears of joy flow and I still lift up audible praise to God. In fact I'm not ashamed to say that it is my DUTY to Worship Christ.

The Psalmist said in Psalm 5:7 (NLT) "Because of your unfailing love, I can enter your house; I will worship at your Temple with deepest awe". No matter what's going on in your life, don't forget to offer heartfelt, sincere Worship to God! I am a Worshipper, are You?

-- Pastor V.

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