Thursday, February 9, 2012


No matter what you're facing today, the help you to need to face what you're facing comes directly from God! He knows you're pain, He sees your pain and He feels your pain. He's a compassionate and loving God, my pain does not strip or rob Him of his power, He able to help you overcome every obstacle, every set back, every difficulty, every trial, every problem, every pitfall and every crisis!
The Psalmist in Psalm 121 begins to look for help, he found that his help was in God! In fact listen to the way he starts the passage off...

Psalm 121:1-2 (NCV) "I look up to the hills, but where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth"

So the writer shares with us that when he looked to the hills (a sign that he looked upward) he wondered and reasoned within himself where his help was going to come from. He concluded that the help he was looking for could only come from one source and that is THE LORD! He then makes it clear that he wasn't just talking about any "lord" but "the LORD who made heaven and earth"! Then he proceeds to discuss all of the help that God will provide in vs. 3-8.

In fact according to portions of this reading, not only does the Psalmist inform us that God is a Helper, but He is also a Keeper! That's some powerful, reliable and dependable news. So let's continue to look to the Lord to be our Ultimate help in our time of need!

-- Pastor V.

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