Tuesday, January 31, 2012


TODAY'S DEVOTIONAL: Day 16/Psalm 116

Today is a perfect day to make a wholehearted decision to DEVOTE your life to walking with God for the rest of your life. That means 24/7 365 days of the Year! In Psalm 116:9 (NKJV) the Psalmist shares with us a defining moment for his life. He says, "I will walk before the Lord in the land of the Living". The New Life Version says, "I will walk with the Lord in the land of the living", both translations give an clear picture of the Psalmist's decision to Devote his life to walking with God. He devotes himself to living a life in the presence of God that will be pleasing to God.

Then he says, I'm going to do this "in the land of the Living", which means that this declaration that he has made will be reflected everywhere he goes in life, when he's around his saved friends and his unsaved friends, when he's in church and when he's not at church, he's made up his mind that he's going to walk with God in front of everyone, this is called "unashamed living". What an awesome declaration!

So today during the 16th day of this 21-day Fast, make a declaration that you're going to devote your life to walking with God unashamedly and unapologetic.

-- Pastor V.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 15 of 21-Day Fast


Right out of the gate in Psalm 115:1 the Psalmist makes it plain and clear that it is God that gets all of the Glory! He says, "Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name goes all the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness" (NLT). I love that, because he makes it clear that it's not about us! In other words I can't take credit for the wonderul things that have happened in my life, only God can bless me like I need to be belssed.

So as we reflect today during this 15th day of our 21-day Fast, let us remember that no matter what we have, how far we've come, how many Obstacles we've overcome or how many blessings we've obtained, it's God that's due all of the Glory!

-- Pastor V.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Donald Lawrence & The Tri-City Singers - Encourage Yourself

For everyone who may be going through today! Watch and Be Encouraged!

DAY 12 OF 21-DAY FAST (Special Blog)

I wanted to pause today and step outside of my routine Blogging for our 21-day Fast and talk briefly about something I believe God is saying during this season of fasting and prayer. Here's something to think about, What we "DO" determines what's "DUE"! Now you say, where did I get that from well, over in Galatians 6:9 it delcares this, “ Let us not grow wearing in well doing for in due season you shall reap if you faint not.”

If we continue to "DO" good we'll reap what God says is "DUE" us. I'm a firm believer that the type of seed you sow determines the kind of Harvest you reap! What I put in, determines what I get out! Even in the midst of trying and difficult times God wants to prove Himself to you by way of your personal Faithfulness to Him.

Don't give up now, you've come too far, "not growing weary in well doing" puts "giving up" in check and says to the world that no matter what I have to face, "giving up" is not an Option! Hang in there, there's a blessing on the other side of those seeds of faith and prayer that you've been sowing!

-- Pastor V.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

DAY 11 of 21-DAY FAST

Today's Devotional: Day 11/Psalm 111

Today I encourage you to reflect on the graciousness and compassion of the Lord! Psalm 111:4 (NKJV) says, "He has made His wonderful works to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and full of compassion". That's powerful because no matter how much I have to complain about today, I have even more to be grateful for as I take the time to reflect and remember all of the kind and wonderful things God has done in my life. The Old Saints used to say, "He's been better to me than I've been to myself", now I understand what they meant, because all of the great things He's done cannot be numbered! That's why the Psalmist started off Psalm 111 in vs. 1 by saying "Praise the Lord! I will praise Him with my whole heart..."  He's a FAITHFUL and JUST God! Meditate on His goodness today and then send up a praise!

-- Pastor V.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

DAY 10 of 21-day Fast

TODAY'S DEVOTIONAL: Day 10/Psalm 110

Jesus wants a position of Honor in your life! That means placing Him high and above everything else in my life, nothing comes before Him, nothing comes in front of Him, He wants to be the first and the last, the beginning and the end in our lives. In Psalm 110:1 God shows us the place of Honor that Jesus has in Heaven! In fact when speaking about Jesus over in Acts 2:33 (NLT) it says, "Now He is exalted to the place of highest honor in heaven, at God’s right hand. And the Father, as he had promised, gave him the Holy Spirit to pour out upon us, just as you see and hear today".

So just as Jesus is at the highest place of Honor in heaven, so He should be in our lives, make Him your highest and number one priority today, you won't regret it!

-- Pastor V.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

DAY 9 of 21-Day Fast

DEVOTIONAL: Day 9/Psalm 109

It is popular from the World's standards to repay men evil for evil. When someone hurts you according  to the World, you should hurt them back, in the world's eyes it's right to reward someone according to how they treated you whether good or bad. However, God's standard for handling the evil and hatred that man gives you, is totally opposite of the way the world believes you should handle it.

In Psalm 109:2-4 the Psalmist says this (NKJV)... 2 For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful Have opened against me; They have spoken against me with a lying tongue. 3 They have also surrounded me with words of hatred, And fought against me without a cause. 4 In return for my love they are my accusers. But I give myself to prayer."

Wow, how powerful is that? The Psalmist instead of exchanging evils with his enemies, says "I give myself to Prayer". In other words his weapon of choice in dealing with this battle with his haters is the Spiritual Weapon of Prayer! In fact the bible instructs us in several ways and on several other occasions on how to Deal with our haters, our enemies with the power of prayer or some other spiritual means. Let's look at a few:

Matthew 5:44 (NKJV) admonishes us to:
- love your enemies
- bless those who curse you
- do good to those who hate you, and...
- pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you

Romans 12:21 says:
- overcome evil with good

So as you can see, it's biblical, Godly and right to deal with the bad that others display toward you in a good, Godly way. So instead of attempting to go blow for blow with those who hate you, devote yourself to Prayer and watch God do the rest!

Stay Strong!
-- Pastor V.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hillsong LIVE - Mighty To Save



DEVOTIONAL: Day 8/Psalm 108

Whenever you're dealing with Opposition, enemies, foes and adversaries in your life, it's important to know where you can turn when dealing with them. Opposition can be spiritual, social, physical, economical or relational. The Great news is this, that no matter where the opposition comes from, GOD is our one and only hope, we can rely on Him, we can count on Him, we can depend on Him.

In fact the Psalmist who knew first hand of being able to trust and count on God when dealing with opposition, says in Psalm 108 verses 12-13 with a sense of Urgency (NLT)... 12 "Oh, please help us against our enemies, for all human help is useless. 13 With God’s help we will do mighty things, for he will trample down our foes".

So it is clear that our only defense when dealing with adversaries and opposition is GOD! The only way to have the strength and perseverance to deal with those who oppose you, simply comes by way of leaning and depending on and trusting in God. You don't have to resort to human efforts and means to defeat, retaliate or even deal with the enemies in your life, just know with God on your side, the Victory is already yours! In fact you don't have to wait until the battle is over, you can shout NOW, because has already administered the knockout punch to the enemy!

-- Pastor V.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 5 of 21-day Fast


Today as we go about our day, let's make God the talk of the town! Here in Psalm 105 the Psalmist encourages us and admonishes us to do several things in order to make God the talk of the town specifically, but not limited to verses 1-2:

1. We must GIVE THANKS TO HIM, because we are the Benefactors of the Blessings and Favor of God both past and present. When ever someone does you a Favor it's always appropriate by responding with a "Thank You"! So we're thanking Him because we have so much to be thankful for.

2. CALL UPON HIS NAME, as a sign of our Dependence upon Him and because He is the center of our need! Anytime we are in need, God should be our first option, I call on Him, because I need Him and can't make it without Him.

3. MAKE KNOW HIS DEEDS or (NLT "Let the whole world know what he has done") (v. 1), why so that others will join with you in praising him.

4. TALK OF HIS WONDROUS WORKS or (NLT "Tell everyone about His wonderful deeds ")
(v. 2), When we talk about all of the wonderful things God has done for us, it will in turn began to affect others. One of the greatest things we can witness about is the Goodness of the Lord! God’s wondrous works should be the subject of our Conversations, Instant messages, text messages, e-mails, Facebook chats and Twitter Tweets with our families, friends, co-workers and acquaintices, not for entertainment purposes, but for the excitement and encouragement of our own  faith and the faith of others and our continued hope in God.

So today make Jesus the talk of the town! Talk about Him more than your problems, your issues, your struggles, your pains, your heartaches, your difficulities and as you talk about Him, talk TO Him about those things and rather than magnify them, MAGNIFY HIM!

Stay Strong!
-- Pastor V.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ashmont Hill "I Won't Be Afraid"

Fred Hammond - You Are My Life

Fred Hammond & RFC - Promise Keeper

Fred Hammond & RFC - Hear My Cry

Day 4 of 21-day Fast

TODAY'S DEVOTIONAL - Day 4/Psalm 104

Psalm 104 speaks of the Provisional Power of God! God is a Provider and when He provides, He does it how it needs to be done, when it needs to be done and He provides what needs to be Provided! God always Provides in a Big way, even the smallest of blessings always has a BIG impact on our lives.

When the Bible talks about God providing, it speaks of God making ways and bringing satisfaction in our lives. The Psalmist here in Psalm 104 talks about how God provides Spring water for the wild donkeys and beast of the field to quench their thirst on to Providing Work for man to do labor from morning til' evening.

That's absolutely amazing! So take the time today during the fast to reflect upon and ponder all of the wonderful Provisions God has made in your life and know that we would not have what we have if God had not given it to us.

He is "Jehovah-Jireh", meaning "the Lord will Provide" (see Genesis 22:14 KJV). I'll talk to you all tomorrow!

Stay Strong!
-- PJV

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 3 of 21-day Fast

Well, today is day 3 of CCFC's 21 day Corporate Fast and God is already moving in a powerful way. I just want to share a little bit about the Benefits of God!

DEVOTIONAL: "Blessed because of His Benefits" Day 3 - Psalm 103:1-5 (NLT)  1 "Let all that I am praise the LORD;  with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. 2 Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me. 3 He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. 4 He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. 5 He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!"

A Benefit is described as "something that promotes well-being" or it is described as "an act of kindness", well a few of the ways that God demonstrates His love and kindness toward us is mapped out there in PSALM 103 1) He forgives Sins 2) He heals diseases 3) He redeems or frees my life from the destruction tha Sin brings 4) Crowns me with His Love and Mercy 5) Fills my life with good things. These are not an exaustive list, these are just a few mentioned here in our text, there are several other benefits that come with knowing God.

Wow, what an incredible list of benefits! My relationship with God is the most rewarding and fulfilling relationship that you and I could ever have. Today take the time to give the Lord praise or as David (the Psalmist) here in the text puts it, "Bless the Lord O my Soul" or "Let all that I am praise the Lord".

Whether we know it or not, we have more to be thankful for than we really know, so let the praises of God resound all throughout the day as you reflect upon all of the mighty and wonderful benefits that come with knowing Jesus!

Stay Strong!
-- PJV

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 2 of 21-Day Fast

Today is Day 2 of our 21 day Fast and what I want to is offer a brief devotional from Psalm 102. In fact what I'll be doing each day is offering a devotional out of the Psalms beginning yesterday with Psalm 101 with the Book number representing that day that we're in for our Fast. So today will be Day 2 and we'll look at Psalm 102 verse 1 (although I want the entire Psalm to be our scriptural meditation for today..

Psalms 102:1 (NKJV) "Hear my prayer, O Lord, And let my cry come to you"

DEVOTIONAL: Today let's focus on offering prayers to God that point directly to our personal trials and afflictions. Let your prayers be earnest, honest, authentic and confident and even more important let your prayers be done in patience. Let God know through your prayers that you are counting on Him and have total dependence upon Him to see you out of the personal trial and affliction and that you're lining your will up with His waiting patiently for Him to move in your life only the way tha He knows how.

Be Strong!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 1 of 21-day Fast

Our Church began a 21-day Fast today as we Spiritually unite ourselves to get closer to God and seek Direction from Him in this new year. Our focus for this year is to live our lives in a way that will please Him and bring Him glory like never before!

There's a quote that the Lord gave me that we're taking into this Fast and it simply says this, "Be Faithful where you are so God can bless where you're going". I've printed this quote out and placed above my desk at home and at work! It will be a directive for me to follow everyday as I seek to be faithful in my walk with God everyday!

So with that everyday for the next 21 days I will be Blogging a brief Devotional to encourage us during this 21-day Fast.

So let me just plug-in a short devotional on "Faithfulness". God is calling for us to live our lives at another level of "Faithfulness", God honors and blesses "Faithfulness",  in Psalm 101:6 (NLT) God Himself says, 6 "I will search for faithful people to be my companions. Only those who are above reproach will be allowed to serve me". Our goal is to give God what He's looking for, if He's calling us to be more faithful in our walk with Him then that should be our goal, that should be a Spiritual priority for us.

So during this Fast pray for strength to become as Faithful as God has called you to be and watch Him honor that in an incredible way!

Stay Strong!

Friday, January 13, 2012


We hear the Word "Diehard" all of the time, especially when describing a Sport's Fan who has a Strong allegiance and dedication to their favorite Sports Team. Whether their team is a winning team or losing team, they will be tell you "I'm a Die-hard (insert their favorite sports team) Fan". Then there are some that are die-hard Reality Show lovers, some are die-hard lovers of certain vacation spots, some are die-hard lovers of certain kinds of foods.

Just for a moment let's look at how the word "Diehard" is described in the Dictionary it says to be 'DIEHARD" is..."Someone who is unwilling to change or give up their ideas or ways of behaving, even when there are good reasons to do so", sounds like to be diedard is pretty much the same thing as having a conviction! When someone has a conviction their rules for life are driven by whatever their convictions are.

Well, the longer I live the more I discover that a good reason to do something is not always the best or wisest reason to do something. That's why in the Body of Christ, God sent the Holy Spirit to make us "DIEHARD" believers to show us the difference between "good and best" and "right and wrong",

In fact Jesus ministered this Word over in St. John 16:5-15 (NLT) -- (*emphasis put on underlined phrases in red“But now I am going away to the one who sent me, and not one of you is asking where I am going. 6 Instead, you grieve because of what I’ve told you. 7 But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don’t, the Advocate[a] won’t come. If I do go away, then I will send him to you. 8 And when he comes, he will convict the world of its sin, and of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment. 9 The world’s sin is that it refuses to believe in me. 10 Righteousness is available because I go to the Father, and you will see me no more. 11 Judgment will come because the ruler of this world has already been judged. 12 “There is so much more I want to tell you, but you can’t bear it now. 13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. 14 He will bring me glory by telling you whatever he receives from me. 15 All that belongs to the Father is mine; this is why I said, ‘The Spirit will tell you whatever he receives from me".

Wow, what a loaded passage! Yes, the Holy Spirit comes to "convict" comes to make you "DIEHARD" in your walk with Christ, in other words whether you're a DIEHARD anything, it simply means you "refuse to Compromise". For me, I'm a 'DIEHARD' Believer, Christ-follower!


Thursday, January 12, 2012


The Bible says, "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:10 NKJV)
Persecution in the bible or any where for that case, usually indicates that a person is being harrassed or annoyed in some hateful way! Over the course of my walk with and maturity in God I've come to the place where I now allow Persecution to push me further into my purpose! In fact here are a few steps that I take when facing persecution:

1. I GO INTO INTENSE PRAYER - I start out by asking God to show me what it is I need to see in myself through this painful yet purposeful process of being persecuted.Prayer gives me a peace in the midst of persecution, I'm able to handle it better when I pray!

2. I GET MOTIVATED -  (in fact while I'm typing this Blog, I'm facing some persecution, but I'm so motivated to do something radical for the Lord -- Like go out on the street corner and start a revival, I'm at work so I can't, lol); So I'm Blogging instead! Finally...

3. I TAKE ACTION.- Because of the power of prayer that brings "PEACE", I don't sit around and stress and worry about what I'm going through, I don't hang my head down, walking around moping, I don't have a pity party, why -- because I know there is a God-ordained purpose in what I'm facing. So I take the motivation and allow it be the driving force behind me doing something Impacting!  I apply it to the Ministry gift that the Lord has endowed me with and begin making a radical impact (whether it's through preaching, teaching or witnessing), I apply to my marriage, I apply to my performance at Work and I apply it to my associations/relationships (even those who are persecuting me). I use the motivation to impact every area of my life!

I pray this has helped somebody! Your comments are encouraged!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I want to talk about TRUST for a moment! Trust is a major key to the survival of any Relationship! Whether it's a dating relationship, a marital relationship, a business relationship/partnership or a friendship, trust plays a HUGE role in keeping two people together. I've learned over the course of my life that even when trust is built, it sometimes has a way of being torn down! Often times this can happen because of distractions that surface outside of the relationship. These distractions can especially come in the form of other people! When people come into our lives outside of our regular relationships, it's our call as to how far we're going to let them in.

More often than not, these outsiders usually don't have the best interest of your current relationships at heart and when we let them in too far, they have a way, by way of their outside agenda of planting seeds of discord and disunity between us and our current relationships, which causes a violation of trust between us and those we presently have built trust with.

This is due to the selfishness and small mindedness of the new individual and their need for your attention outside of your current relationships. It takes a MATURE individual to show up in your life and want to add to the trust that you already have in your current relationships.

Be very careful who you allow to get close to you outside of your current relationships, because it just may be that, that person's agenda WILL be poisonous to the trust you have built with those who have come before them.

Hope this helps, I would love to hear your thoughts, God bless!


Thursday, January 5, 2012


One of God's greatest Gifts to us is His Word (The Holy Bible), it is His Text Message to the World. A "TEXT" is described as  "1) a passage from an authoritative source providing an introduction or basis 2) a source of information or authority". The Word of God is full "text" Messages that provide insightful information for your life.

What's sad about many people is just like on their cell phones when they recieve a text they fail to hit "view" in order that they might read the text or when they do hit "view" they either fail to respond or return the text. If we're going to reap the benefits of this great information (God's text Messages) we must view and then respond! And what I love about God's text Messages, there aren't ever any viruses attached!
I want to encourage you to read your bible (God's "text" messages) and find out what He's saying to you and about you! You're life depends on God's"text" messages, there's POWER in God's "Text" Messages!  Hebrews 4:12 (NIV) says, "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart"

- pjv

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Hey Everybody! I just wanted to take a moment to talk about something practical, yet powerful that I believe is of great importance in just about every area of our lives and that is this word "DETERMINATION". Although Determination is described several ways, a couple of those ways share it's definition like this: "the act of deciding definitely and firmly" and "firm or fixed intention to achieve a desired end".

I believe that when we move and act with determination our goals, dreams and visions become more clear to us and those around us. We cannot pursue anything in life and expect to see favorable results unless there is Determination involved. Determination keeps us moving forward even when there are obstacles present, it is simply a matter of not giving up even when you feel like it. Keep moving, keep pursuing and keep being determined, before you know your goal will be reached! BE ENCOURAGED!~
