Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Why I use Sermonic Illustrations

Over in Mark 4:33-34 Jesus followed a teaching rule, the bible explains it like this...

Mark 4:33-34 (NLT) 33 \"Jesus used many similar stories and illustrations to teach the people as much as they could understand. 34 In fact, in his public ministry He never taught without using parables..."

Wow! The Method (parabolic/parables) in which Jesus used to convey His messages kept people from getting lost in their comprehension of what was being taught.That's called being "Relevant" when you can take everyday life resources, situations and circusmtances and give a picturesque illustration to make plain the Word of God. As a Preacher/Teacher of the Gospel, I too try to follow this rule. I believe it is one of the most effective ways to inform people about what God has said in His Word and His plan for their lives. 

It was also a method that gave people hope beyond their current circumstances. The Method that Jesus used to communicate the Good News, should be a lead example for every Communicator of the Gospel. I know it is for me.

~ Pastor V.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Share the Greatest Gift  ever given this Christmas, JESUS CHRIST, the true Reason for theSeason!


John 3:16 (NKJV) "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life"

Thursday, December 1, 2011


For far too long as far back as the Bible days, people have fought  and debated over which Day of the week was appropriate for Corporate Public Worship, some argue Sunday, some argue Saturday and others say another day. Well, I've always been under the conviction that anyday you choose to set aside time for Corporate Worship, Appreciation, Praise unto God is always an Appropriate day (although my choice to gather for Corporate Worship is "the First Day of the Week" also known as "The Lord's Day") as was followed by many first Century Christians.

However, I have concluded as well that if at any time you make a Purposeful decision to gather for corporate Worship it is always an appropriate time, and I'm convinced of this based off of how the Apostle Paul addresses this very Issue over in ROMANS 14:5-6 (NLT), (spotlighting verse #6) where the Apostle Paul says,  "In the same way, some think one day is more holy than another day, while others think every day is alike. You should each be fully convinced that whichever day you choose is acceptable. 6 Those who worship the Lord on a special day do it to honor him"

So whatever Day you decide to set aside for Corporate Worship is appropriate as long as it's a Day of Sanctity unto God. If so we should stop criticizing and judging others when they decide to Worship on a day that we don't. It's all about GOD!


Thursday, November 17, 2011


One of the most difficult things that I see many Christians struggling to do is "CONNECT" with other Christians. Many of them have a normal and regular routine: they come into the Church find a seat, some participate in the worship experience, they join in the singing, they give an offering, they enjoy themselves and are blessed through the preached Message. They then get up make eye contact with a few people, some may say goodbye to a few folks on their way out the door to their cars, but one thing for sure they seldom or never stop to fellowship and connect with others that attended the Worship Experience that day.

Well, I'm by no means bashing, criticizing or judging those who have trouble with connecting with other believers, but I do want to be an encouragement to those who do. In Acts 2:42 we read that one of the four things the early church devoted AND committed itself to was "FELLOWSHIP". Fellowship and Christian Connection was a very important part of their reason for meeting together. It was one of their objectives. Here are a few benefits that come as a result of True Biblical Fellowship and Christian Connection:

God never intended Christianity to be an isolated lifestyle. The Bible teaches us that beleivers as Christ-Followers need each other for many reasons and it starts with us understanding that we are "one body in Christ over in 1st Corinthians 12:12-17.

HERE ARE SOME GREAT BENEFITS: 1) Christian Connection allows Christians to minister to and motivate one another - Fellowshipping with other believers provide the perfect context and setting for Christians to minister  to and motivate another by serving and being served. Hebrews 10:24 (NLT) says "Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works"

2) Christian Connection encourages other Christians in their faith -  When we Connect with other Christians we strengthen each other's faith. In his letter to the Romans, Paul taught us that when we see the faith in another believer, it encourages us in our own faith. Romans 1:12 "When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours"

3) Christian Connection provides Comfort and Compassion - the bible share with us over in 2nd Corinthians 1:4 (NLT) "He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us"

4) Christian Connection Provides a context for Accountability - Proverbs 27:17 shares with us... "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another"

5) Christian Connection is encourages Christians to Pray for one another -  James 5:16a. (NLT) says, "Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed..."

I pray that this Blog on Christian Connection would encourage and motivate you to connect with other beleivers that you might experience Community and Fellowship as you partner with those of like Faith.


Friday, November 11, 2011


"Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness"          
-- Napoleon Hill

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Don't use the areas of your life where you're strongest as an excuse to neglect getting stronger where you may have weaknesses and inadequacies.  Face your weaknesses and make the best of every opportunity to get better in those areas in your .life that need strenghthening. Be Encouraged!


Thursday, October 27, 2011


Hey what's up to everybody that's reading this Blog, it's been a minute since I've posted! Things have been quite busy for me over the last month. Today however, I did want to share some thoughts about "NOT LOSING FOCUS". I've disovered that it's easy to get distracted and in fact stay distracted to the point of losing sight and focus of things that really matter in life. God has Gifted His Children with abilities that will directly impact people for the purpose of bringing Him Glory.

Sometimes we can get distracted to the point of no return, where we stop doing  that which is affective and life-changing. Don't lose your focus to get something IMPACTFUL done for God's Glory, everytime God presents you with an opportunity to use your gift to Impact a life and bring Him Glory, don't pass it up, may be He's gifted you to write, may He's gifted you to encourage someone, maybe He's gifted you to do Missions, maybe He's gifted you to work with Children or the Elderly, maybe He's given you a Technical gift, where you can be a blessing via the World-wide web, maybe He's gifted you to bless the poor, the less fortunated and the homeless in some tangible way. Whatever it is you've been gifted to do, make good on it, it's worth the Investment! TODAY make a declaration not to lose Focus!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


"Failure is an attitude, not just an outcome"
- John Maxwell

Friday, October 7, 2011


"Tradition is external; God’s truth is Internal which gives life Eternal"

Thursday, October 6, 2011


One of the keys to being Effective is "keeping up with the times". I posted something on Facebook the other day that said, "Churches cannot do 8-Track Ministry and expect to IMPACT this Blackberry and IPod Generation". Creativity and Innovation are part of being Effective, if you're trying to reach and Impact People with old Methods and Methodologies, your reach won't be that far.

I believe in the power of Relevancy, but I also believe you have to be Relevant without being Irreverent in order to be Impactful and Effective.  In other words Use the same MESSAGE but with a different METHOD. A 57' Chevy is not designed to do the same things as a 2012 Porsche.

The Word of God will never lose it's Power to accomplish what God purposes it to Accomplish!

Isaiah 55:11 (NIV) "So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty,  but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it"


Thursday, September 29, 2011


"Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power" -- Shirley MacLaine

Friday, September 23, 2011


Accountablity is of great importance in every area of life, our families, our homes, our jobs, our organizations and our churches. As an appointed leader I am fully convinced that I cannot hold those delegated leaders accountable for something that I myself don't plan to put into practice. Leaders should never hold others accountable for things they're not practicing. I often tell people I don't teach or preach anything that hasn't first ministered to me. I can't talk to people about what God has said, if I haven't heard from Him. I'm accountable to God first and my expectations of Accountability must begin with myself first. If I'm not Accountable to what He needs me to be Accountable to, then I can't expect the same from others, it must start with me. Accountability promotes effectiveness, order and productivity. Learn to be Accountable TODAY! More to Come...


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


On last night during our Mid-Week Connections Bible Study, I taught from the Lesson: "Dare to be Different". We looked at the Life and leadership of a Young Boy by the name of Josiah over in 2nd Chronicles 34, who became King at the tender age of 8. He succeeded Amon, his father who was a wicked King and according to Chapter 33, vs. 21-25 of 2nd Chronicles it shares with us that Amon (Josiah's father) did evil in the eyes of God and led the people to do likewise. The genesis of Josiah's reign as King, saw him being met with having to deal with one of the greatest and most prevelant sins of his time, Idolatry and Idol Worship. His father and some of the Kings before him condoned and endorsed this pagan activity.

However, when Josiah took the helm as King, he "dared to be different". He made a conscious and purposeful decision to follow God and all that God desired. So here's what he did as he dared to be different:

1. He sought God at an early age, as he recieved his marching orders from God in order to get God's endorsement and approval for the decisions he needed to make.(2nd Chronicles 34:1-2)
2. He walked in Right standing before God, therefore he set STANDARDS and stuck with them. .(2nd Chronicles 34:1-2)
3. His Character was right as a result of decision to follow God. .(2nd Chronicles 34:1-2)
4. He removed the Problems of the past, he didn't allow what was always done to be a hindrance to what needed to be done. He (purified) or cleaned up the mess that served as obstacles to success. (Verses 3-7)
5. He brought honor to God as result of restoring what belonged to God (the Temple). (vs. 8-28))
6.. He surrounded himself with like-minded people. Those who bought into the Vision of Daring to be different. (vs. 8-28))
7. He refused to Compromise his Standards. (vs. 31-33)

So as you can see Josiah dared to be different, even at a young age, he made a decision that would positively affect his destiny and those around him. Daring to be different, is a key to making a Difference!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011


As a Pastor the Lord has called me, gifted and graced me with the opportunrity to share in the hurt and pain of others, helping to coach, mentor, encourage, counsel and advise them through seasons of hurt and pain. Well, I must admit that can be a bit taxing and even frustrating at times, but it's what I enjoy doing, it's what I have a passion for, helping to see people back from places of distress and devastation!

However, there are times when that help goes underappreciated; I mean there will be a consistent period of time where someone will lean on me for Advice and Counsel to help them through a situation and the moment things start lookinig UP for that individual, they're no where to be found. I try to call, text and e-mail just to follow up with them and check on them, but I never recieve a call, text or e-mail back, this can be very frustrating especailly since I answered or returned every one of their calls, e-mails or texts, when they attempted to reach me..I'm by no means complaining, I'm just speaking on how prevelant selfishness is in today's society.

WILL continue being there and being a blessing to those who are hurting and will do so without hesitation or reservation, even if it's never appreciated, because it's what I LOVE  and am passionatte about doing and I understand clearly that my Ultimate reward is waiting for me in Heaven. Be blessed Somebody.


Thursday, September 15, 2011


DICTIONARY.COM  says INSECURITY means to: "Lack confidence or assurance; self-doubt". Insecurity can BE both mildly and severely dangerous. It affects both the one who's being Insecure and those the insecurity is being directed towards.

When you have feelings of insecurity you doubt yourself and your ability to cope with a problem or situation or fear a negative outcome. Here's some great advice on overcoming Insecurity:

1. ADDRESS THE PROBLEM - Confronting Insecurity is of great importance, becasue it's very possible that insecurity could develop into something more dangerous. Rather than avoid these situations  you should confront them and learn to overcome them. Confront the challenges and not run away from them.

2. EXPECT AND PREPARE FOR THE UNEXPECTED - Whatever your situation, whether it's being a relationship, using a gift, talent or ability or just performing your job, when you prepare for the unexpected, your Insecurity is less likely to grow into something unecessarily Big and it keeps Insecurity from having any power over you rather you gain power over your Insecurity.

3. CONFIDE IN A TRUSTED SOURCE -  Surrounding yourself with people you can trust and confide in is always Helpful and Healthy. Getting advice and counsel from "wise" people may not help the problem go completely away, but it will help you put things into their proper perspective. It's always a good thing to hear a Voice other than the Voice of Insecurity.



Monday, September 12, 2011


This past Sunday I began a New Sermon Series entitled: "NOT A FAN". The Messages for this Series are designed to Challenge us to "DTR" Define The Relationship that we have with Jesus Christ. A FAN is described as:  An enthusiastic admirer”. In God’s Word Jesus was never interested in “Fans”. So, is this how we would define our relationship with Him (a fan)? During the month of September we invite you to join “followers” of Jesus Christ as we dig into the Word of God and look at how we have been called to be followers of Christ and not His Fans.

Luke 9:23 (NLT) says, "Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my FOLLOWER you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me"

Two major points are made in this passage, in order to successfully be a "FOLLOWER" of Christ:

1) SELF-DENIAL - Giving up, surrendering, submitting your whole self to the will, direction and Lordship of Jesus. Making your desires HIs desires, HIs interest your interest, the things He loves becoming the things you love.

 2) PATIENCE (endurance) - is needed to face and overcome the trials that come every now and then with being a follower. Patience keeps you from giving up on God and on life in the midst of troubling circumstances. Patience is the key to picking up your cross daily and following Christ. Finally patience keeps you from being a "FAN" or (Fair weather disciple) as we saw in John Chapter 6:41-66.
 Jwho step across the line and say “I’m not a fan”
More to come...


Friday, September 9, 2011


Troublemakers and Gossipers are the same type of people and here's what the Bible has to say about them...

Proverbs 16:28 (NLT)
"A troublemaker plants seeds of strife; gossip separates the best of friends"

It would be a terrible thing to leave this earth and Proverbs 16:28 was a person's life story!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Whenever we come face to face with our limitations and something doesn't go right, I've discovered that it's easy to get down and stay down about it. The truth is our limitations can sometimes down right get the best of us, especially when we've put in much work, time, energy and effort just to make sure something goes right. We stay down abou it because we consistently replay our failures or what failed us over and over in our minds which will always stifle and hinder progressive thinking.

So I'm learning everyday not to allow the limitations of TODAY keep me from tapping into the Potential of tomorrow. Just because you failed at something today doesn't mean the same goes for tomorrow. It's a New season, it's a New day! Be Encouraged Somebody.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Gospel Recording Artist MARY MARY released a song entitled: "It's the God in Me". Well as that title may mean everything in the World to me, I've discovered it doesn't always mean someting to others. As a Child of God and devoted follower of Jesus Christ, it is hard for me to remain comfortable in Ungodly and Carnal Environments, and that's simply because of the God in Me! In fact, this should be the case for all believers.

I've discovered that ungodly people can know Who you are in Christ and still have no reverence or respect for that position and, that simply being because they have no respect or reverence for GOD. As a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it doesn't exempt me from being spiritually and morally disrespected or Unreverenced (I had to make sure that was a word and it is) and thus the bottom line is this...

Don't expect people to reverence or respect you, if they don't respect or reverence the GOD in YOU, but even with that said, don't waiver from Who you are in Christ, hang in there, because here's the bottom line out of  Philippians 2:9-11 (NIV) where it says, "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,  11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father"

-- PV

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

East Coast Earthquake

Yesterday's Earthquake here in the Washington, DC region and all along the East Coast, left many afraid, confused and uncertain. It was a time in history that we'll never forget. Some joked about it, some prayed, some held in-dept conversations about it, while others just sat silently through the day trying to figure out what just happened and why it happened. Well, I believe that it was the Work of the Lord. God's Word shares with us that Earthquakes happening in multiple parts of the world, are just a collection of things that must occur before the return of Christ. For those of us who are believers in Christ Jesus our hope and faith should remain steadfast as we use those times of uncertainty to share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who may be far from God. In other words let your Witness speak and become a Seed of Hope for those who are not familiar with what God's Word has said concerning things that bring them to a place of Uncertainty.

Psalm 130:5 (New King James Version NKJV) says, "I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, And in His word I do hope". No matter what happens in life, let the Promises of God (what God has already said in His Word) give you hope and Peace in the midst of uncertainty. Be Encouraged Somebody!


Friday, August 19, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I saw this post by Doug Fields on his Blog and I had to share it. Check it out below:

5 reasons you’re not encouraged by your leader and/or boss

Most people don’t leave ministries… they leave leaders.
I’m sure there are exceptions to this Dougism, but I personally know it to be very true as a leader and a follower.
I was listening to a friend today talk about his work environment on a church staff and the lack of encouragement he receives. This friend does an incredible job within his job! He’s well skilled, respected and a leader of other leaders. I’ve seen him in action several times and there’s no question he’s good at what he does.
Good at what he does… and starving for encouragement.

Why don’t more leaders/employers encourage the people working for them? I’m sure there are many reasons, but here’s five I was thinking about today.
1. Leaders are insecure
While we often assume those in charge to have a strong sense of self and security, it’s not always the case. Many leaders are deeply insecure and their insecurity has been the fuel that has driven them to acquire the position. They’ve reached high status with a low regard for their own.
2. Insecurity creates self-centeredness
Leaders don’t focus on others and the need for encouragement when they’re focused on themselves. Insecurity is a void that longs to be filled, and the more insecure one is, the more he/she will try to fill that emptiness. It’s tough to think about strengthening your insecurity when you’re thinking of yourself.
3. Leaders assume people already know their strengths, qualities and skills
Some leaders treat others as if the paycheck is all the encouragement that’s needed. If they’ve still got a job, it can be assumed their doing a good job. Getting paid should be encouragement enough.
4. Many leaders don’t realize the power of encouragement
Words hold great power—they can shape or shatter a life. Intentional, thoughtful and caring words are tools by which others grow. It’s not uncommon to run into leaders (even a successful one) who don’t appreciate the life-giving power of words and therefore hold onto compliments as if they were crumbs during a famine.
5. Natural encouragement wasn’t modeled
I’ve had leaders tell me, “I’ve just never seen effective displays of affirmation.” Sad, but true. Many leaders are products of an affirmation-free environment and honestly don’t know the power of encouragement, nor even seen encouragement liberally handed-out.
People are dying to be recognized, encouraged and appreciated.
What kind of leader are you choosing to be? One who looks to be filled, or one who fills the emptiness of others?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Well, some of you may say, why is this Blog titled "NOT A FAN"! Well, it is the title of my Next Sermon series! I am fully convinced that to date, this will be the most Challenging, thought-provoking, life-changing Series that God has ever prompted me to teach and preach from. The Message behind this series is that Jesus is looking for those who will be His Followers, not His Fans! Fans are described as "Enthusiastic Admirers" which means as long as He is doing and giving me what I need Him to I admire Him and am enthusiastic about Him, but the moment I feel like He's letting me down and not coming through for me as I think He should, I lose interest just as I would for my favorite sports team, but a "Follower" is not like that, because a follower goes where Jesus goes, does what He wants and is obedient to what He says, this is a "fully devoted follower of Christ", which our Ministry and I as a Pastor am determined to lead people to become. Begin your assessment NOW, are you a FAN or a FOLLOWER!


As a Pastor, Spiritual Leader, Father and Husband, I am determined to MODEL what I Preach and Teach.

- 1st Corinthians 11:1 (NIV) says, "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ"

This must be Practiced in order to be Perfected! I'm up for the Challenge.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Saw a great quote in reference to Greatness, thought I would share it...
"Great work is done by people who are not afraid to be great"

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Even in Leadership it's Important that you Value the Voice of Others! The Leader doesn't know everything nor can he or she do everything! God places people around you to add significance to what He's already placed in your spirit!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I'm in a season where I'm assessing and evaluating those things and people in my life who are either an asset or a liability. Sometimes you have to take a break from certain associations AND activities in order to get centered and re-focused. I refuse to be trapped in uncertainity so I've learned to give focus and energy to those things that promote progress in my life and bring God uncompromised Glory. Just some thoughts, I hope someone was helped!


Thursday, July 28, 2011


6. Laziness
7. Injustice
8. Selfishness
9. Disorder
10. Average or Below Average Service/Ministry


Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The other day I was listening to a very powerful sermon preached by a great local Pastor. In his message he referenced James 4:3 as he talked about asking God for things wth the wrong motive and intent. The (New Living Translation (NLT) of this passage reads like this, "And even when you ask, you don’t get it because your motives are all wrong—you want only what will give you pleasure".

I begin to ponder those things that I desired and I had brought to God's attention through prayer. One thing in particular is my love and passion for serving and doing Ministry and the desire to serve in the Pastoral Ministry Full time. As I thought about it, I know what I have thought about in terms of what I would be doing if the the Full time Pastorate was a reality for me, but then after hearing this message by this Pastor and further studying the text in my own personal and private time with God, I realized that God sometimes doesn't allow certain things to happen because we may say we'll do one thing, but in His infinite wisdom and Omniscience He knows and sees a part of our intent that we don't see and He keeps us from making a fool of our ourselves.

Well, I am humble enough to realize, acknowledge and understand that my urgency for moving into Full time Ministry will be brought to fruition when God knows I'm ready. That's the difference between us and God, sometimes the things I think or believe I'm ready for, God knows that I'm not, even when you are being faithful in your present situation.

It may be perhaps that in this season, your faithfulness to who, what and where you are right now may be needed just a little while longer. So my prayer is "Lord make my intentions, Your intentions", I don't ever want to overrule God because of the wrong Motives. I'M WAITING ON GOD TO RELEASE ME~


1. Mediocrity
2. Carnality
3. Disunity/Division
4. Pride
5. Chaos

More Tomorrow!!!

Pastor V.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


"Tradition is the living faith of the dead; traditionalism is the dead faith of the living. Tradition lives in conversation with the past, while remembering where we are and when we are and that it is we who have to decide. Traditionalism supposes that nothing should ever be done for the first time, so all that is needed to solve any problem is to arrive at the supposedly unanimous testimony of this homogenized tradition"
Jaroslav Pelikan, interview with U.S. News & World Report, July 26, 1989 (the interview focused on his book The Vindication of Tradition)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Face it with Hope

One of the advantages of being a Christian is that our Outer Circumstances cannot dismantle our Inner Happiness and Joy. That's becasue a believer's Happiness and Joy is not dicatated by Outer Circumstances but from the Power of their relationship with Jesus Christ. There's an Old Song that says, "This Joy I have, the World didn't give it and the World can't take it away".

The Apostle Paul said in Romans 8:18 (NKJV) "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us". So just know that your destiny is tied to something much greater than the pain and trouble you're facinig. We have a heavenly Hope that's greater than our present Pain.  BE ENCOURAGED SOMEBODY!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Worshipping Through Serving

As believers part of our Worship to God is the Service we render to God! Worship God through your Serving.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Always allow both constructive and non-constructive criticism to push you to a place of Personal Progress! Put your doubters to Rest!

Remember Philippians 4:13 (NIV) "I can do all this through him who gives me strength"

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


1. My Weekend was busy and went by quite quickly.

2. I spend the majority of my morning running around with my wife, it was great hanging out with her.

3. I actually planned to do a lot more on Saturday than I actually did, but the spirit of procrastination came and... welll you know the rest (it didn't get done).

4. I think my next Bible study Series is going to be on "The Spirit of Procrastination", man I know I really need to hear from God (-:

5. I preached twice on Sunday which my voice is not used to, so in turn lost my voice, in fact I'm hoarse while I'm writing this Blog, ya'll pray for me.

6. Well, the kickoff of our 'DO SOMETHING' sermon series was a life-changing success. I had Many who were in attendance including some of our visitors expressed their thankfulness to God for the Word they recieved concerning God's Plan for them to Serve and "DO'" something great for the Kingdom of God.

7. Be sure to come out this coming Sunday for the second message from our 'DO SOMETHING' series, it'll be a enriching experience. Invite as many people as you can.

8. Please don't forget our 'DO SOMETHING' Community Evangelism Outreach on April 16, 2011 from 12-2p.m. we need as many Volunteers as possible to come out and help us reach our Neighborhood for Christ.

9. Our Outreach Team will have the necessary materials and resources available for us to successfully connect with those in our Community. This is an exciting time in the Life of our Church as we do several outreaches per year. Don't miss this opportunity to make a difference!

10. Don't forget our Mid-Week Connectons Bible Study tonight at 7:45 p.m. Our Communications Ministry has already send out the call-in information via e-mail and it can also be found on the CCFC Facebook page. Hope to hear you on the line tonight.

11. Please start inviting everyone you can now for this Year's Easter Worship Experience at CCFC, I believe God is up to something Great and will meet us right where we are on Easter Sunday. Come and Celebrate with us.

12. Final thought, "You don't start living until you start living for the ONE who died for You"

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Touching the untouchables -  Ministry Toolbox - Pastors

As we approach our 'DO SOMETHING' Campaign and Sermon Series I believe this Article speaks volumes about the life-changing Ministry we want to see ourselves doing and those lives we seek to touch. Check it out!
Touching the untouchables - Ministry Toolbox - Pastors

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


1. Sorry this is late, but better late than never (-:

2. Well my weekend was both quiet and busy (if that's possible)

3. On Saturday I had the privilage of officiated a beautiful wedding, congratulations to the new bride and groom.

4. On Sunday we welcomed our guest speaker Min. Kenneth Cole who preached the final message from our Singles Month Series: "LIVING SINGLE"

5. The Message he preached was both challenging and encouraging, as he challenged us to focus first on having an intimate relationship with Christ before we focus on having one with people. Lives were truly changed and blessed during our Sunday Worship Experience.

6. This coming Sunday we begin our Brand New series entitled: 'DO SOMETHING'.

7. This series will be both thought-provoking and life-changing as we as a Church seek to become more effective in serving and making a difference in the lives of others, while finding even greater fulfillment in our relationship with Jesus Christ.

8. Invite as many as you can to Church on this coming Sunday for the beginning of this life-changing series.

9. Don't forget to call in TONIGHT to our Mid-Week Connections Bible Study Conference Call. Tonight I will be teaching a lesson that will focus on the FAMILY, from our current teaching Series entitled: "The Proverbs Adventures".  Invite as many of your family on the line, it will be a blessing to your whole family.

10. Finally, as Easter approaches let's not forget the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us at Calvary, He is truly worthy to be praised. Remember John 3:16

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


On last night during our Mid-Week Connections Bible Study we talked about 'REAL FRIENDSHIPS' out of the Book of Proverbs. Here was our takeaway:

1. Loyalty
2. Trust
3. Reciprocation
4. Refining
5. Forgiveness

Do you know who your REAL Friends are?

Monday, March 21, 2011


1. My Saturday was busy during the A.M.

2. I spent the early part of my morning with my Pastor and Spiritual Covering along with some great local Senior Pastors as I sat on an Ordination Examination Council with them, examining some wonderful Ordination Candidates for the office of Elder and Deacon. It was a very refreshing experience and awesome to see God elevate Men and Women in Ministry.

3. The CCFC Children Ministry had an awesome 'MOVIE DAY' on Saturday. I am so proud of Sis. Dominique and her team for investing in our King's Kids Children as they do. They have a pure heart for our Children. If your child is not involved in our King's Kids Children's Ministry I would encourage you to get them connected.

4. Our Sunday Morning Worship Experience was absolutely incredible. From our Dance Ministry to our King's Kids Singing to our Our Guest Speaker, Elder David Moore, who brought a timely Word for both the Singles and Married folks. What an awesome, relevant and practical Message he preached from 1st Samuel 16:1-7, lives were changed and God was given the Glory!

5. We're another step closer to our 'DO SOMETHING' launch date which is Sunday April 3, 2011 during our 11:00 a.m. Worship Experience.  Invite as many as you can to church with you that day, it's going to be exciting and life-changing. We're going to make our lives count for the Kingdom.

6. Invite as many as you can on our Tuesday Night Mid-Week Connections Bible study Conference Call tomorrow Tuesday March 22, 2011 @ 7:45 p.m. It'll be another timely Word for the Week. Our Communications Ministry has sent out the Call-in information. Please check your e-mails and the CCFC Facebook page.

7. BE ENCOURAGED EVERYBODY! Remember with God ALL things are Possible!

Monday, March 14, 2011


1. Well we're back on our Monday Morning Grind! Blah!

2. Today has been a struggle, this time change (spring forward) has been a hard adjustment!

3. I hung out a little bit on Saturday with my wife, it was nice spending time together.

4. Our Sunday Morning Worship Experience was amazing!

5. I preached Part 2 of the message entitled: "The Gift of Singleness" from our Curren Sermon Series: "Living Single".

6. Many lives were changed and blessed as a result of these messages. I'm so proud of the way our Singles have responded to the Word of God this Month as many of them are committed to making the necessary changes that God desires for their lives. You go Singles!

7. Our Married Couples have been blessed as well, as we have recieved great feedback from our Married couples as God has been giving a Word for both the Married and Singles. I'm excited to hear what God has to say over the next two Sundays through our guest speakers. Be sure to invite as many Singles and Married Couples as you can.

8. We're excited about our Mid-Week Connections Bible study Conference Call tomorrow night at 7:45 pm. There will be another life-changing lesson from our current teaching series: "The Proverbs Adventures". Be on the look out for our Call-in information coming from our Communications Ministry, invite as many as you can on the line tomorrow night.

9. Remember to make this week a Great Week, regardless of what happens, just kow that God's got it!

Friday, March 11, 2011


1. Pushy People
2. Rush Hour Traffic
3. People who drive poorly in Rush Hour traffic
4. Long lines in the Grocery Store
5. People who stand really close to me on a crowded Subway
6. A Crowded Subway Train
7. Poor Customer Service

....More to come

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I have prayed that God would give me patience to deal with the following:
1. Stupidity
2. People who are stuck in their Ways and who resist change
3. Chronic Liars
4. When People talk to you like you're stupid
5. When you ask someone a question and they didn't hear you and answer you "what?"
6. When you talk to people and they pretend like they don't hear you.
7. Teenagers (and anybody for that matter) who use multiple curse words in sentences.
8. Arrogant/Overly confident People


Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Sometimes God does things or allows things to happen in our lives that we don't Understand, but that's not a reason to doubt Who He is or what He's able to do. Our finite way of comprehending things does not alter the Divinity or Sovereignty of God. He's still God and besides Him there is no other. We have to trust Him even when we can't Trace Him! He's still All-knowing, All-seeing, All-sufficient and He has All Power! We must yield ourselves and our Situations TOTALLY to Him and just because it seems to be too much for us, it doesn't mean it's too much for Him, in fact because it seems to be too much for us, that makes it obviously that it's just enough for Him. Matthew 11:28 (NIV) says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" -- Be Encouraged Somebody!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


1. My weekend was great.

2. Enjoyed some shopping with my family, always good have family time on the weekend after a long work week.

3. Our Sunday Morning Worship Experience was wonderful!

4. We began our Singles Month Celebration this past Sunday.

5. I started the first message from our Singles Month Sermon Series entitled: "Living Single". We got awesome feedback from both Married and Single Believers who were blessed by God's life-changing Word. It's all about Changed lives.

6. I'm excited about preaching Part 2 of the message we started this past Sunday, I'm believing God to show up in a BIG way.

7. I had to leave immediately after I spoke on Sunday to take my son to the Emergency Room, he's healing quickly, thank God.

We're gearing up for our 'DO SOMETHING' Campaign which will begin on the first Sunday in April 2011. It's all about making our lives count!

8. I'm pumped about our Mid-Week Connections Bible study tonight as we continue from our teaching Series: "The Proverbs Adventures", tonight's lesson will be helpful to many, invite as many people as you can on the call. Our Communications Ministry has e-mailed the call in information, you can find it on the CCFC Facebook page as well.

9. Have a great week everybody, and know that God is worthy of our Praise even in the midst of our Problems, Be encouraged somebody!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011


1. As Followers of Jesus Christ we've called to be servants.
2. Serving demonstrates the Heart of God.
3. Serving Models  and represents a Christ-like Ministry
4. Serving causes people to feel Spiritually Safe
5. Serving Advances God's Agenda

Thursday, February 24, 2011


MY QUOTE OF THE DAY: Teamwork means getting a lot done, a lot faster.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


6. It shows the Love of Christ toward others
7. It's shows forth a spirit of self-less-ness.
8. It fosters Unity
9. It promotes Fellowship
10. It Meets Needs

...To be continued

Monday, February 21, 2011


1. God has gifted you to serve.
2. The Body of Christ needs your gift.
3. People are encouraged, strengthened and built up when you serve.
4. The Church Experiences Growth when you serve.
5. God is glorified when you serve.



1. Happy Monday to all!

2. My weekend was somewhat quiet!

3. Saturday I did a little bit of running around with my wife, I enjoy hanging with her (-: 

4. Our Sunday Worship Experience was awesome.

5. I preached from our Current Sermon Series: "BROKEN" from our third message of a four part series called: "Broken Clay". Jeremiah 18:1-6 was our lead scripture.

6.  Lives were changed as this scripture spoke to us in an incredible way. Remember God is looking to make us over again!

7. I'm excited about this week's Bible study conference call, as we continue to share from our Teaching Series: "The Proverbs Adventures". On this week we will looking at what Proverbs says about "Taming the Tongue", I promise you don't want to miss this teaching.

8. This week we're back on our Tuesday Bible study schedule, our Communications Ministry will be sending out the call in information via e-mail and on the CCFC Facebook page.

9. To All Singles: Be Reminded that we're getting ready for SINGLES MONTH 2011 during the Month of March 2011. It's  going to be a life-changing MontH, FLYER WILL BE OUT THIS WEEK.

10. Have an awesome week everybody! And remember in spite of what you go through this week, decree and declare that this week will be a great week!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Last Night during our Mid-week Connections Bible Study we talked about "Anger and Bitterness". Well, this morning when I got up to go to Work I couldn't find my Wallet, this really angered me, I became irate in fact. Then I began to think, this is the very thing I taught on less than 24 hrs. ago. And I failed, I responded both impulsively and irresponsibly, one of the things that Proverbs teaches us not to do. 

Well the Holy Spirit arrested me and I was instantly convicted. Just know that every now and then the very Word that God brings forth in your life, there will be come a time when you absolutely must, you absolutely have to put that Word into action. God never gives us a Word and not allow us to go through something that warrants us to put that Word into Practice.

James 1:22 (New Living Translation) says,  "But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves"

Be Encouraged Somebody!
Pastor V.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Never Live Beneath your Potential! The Greatest Part of who you are has yet to be revealed. Be Encouraged Somebody!