Today as we go about our day, let's make God
the talk of the town! Here in Psalm 105 the Psalmist encourages us and admonishes us to do several things in order to make God the talk of the town specifically, but not limited to verses 1-2:
1. We must
GIVE THANKS TO HIM, because we are the Benefactors of the Blessings and Favor of God both past and present. When ever someone does you a Favor it's always appropriate by responding with a "Thank You"! So we're thanking Him because we have so much to be thankful for.
CALL UPON HIS NAME, as a sign of our Dependence upon Him and because He is the center of our need! Anytime we are in need, God should be our first option, I call on Him, because I need Him and can't make it without Him.
3. MAKE KNOW HIS DEEDS or (NLT "Let the whole world know what he has done") (v. 1), why so that others will join with you in praising him.
(NLT "Tell everyone about His wonderful deeds ")
(v. 2), When we talk about all of the wonderful things God has done for us, it will in turn began to affect others. One of the greatest things we can witness about is the Goodness of the Lord! God’s wondrous works should be the subject of our Conversations, Instant messages, text messages, e-mails, Facebook chats and Twitter Tweets with our families, friends, co-workers and acquaintices, not for entertainment purposes, but for the excitement and encouragement of our own faith and the faith of others and our continued hope in God.
So today make Jesus the talk of the town! Talk about Him more than your problems, your issues, your struggles, your pains, your heartaches, your difficulities and as you talk about Him, talk
TO Him about those things and rather than magnify them,
Stay Strong!
-- Pastor V.